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There are twelve classes to choose from when creating a character. Each class is allowed to learn different class spells, and has a different growth rate for their characteristics. Different classes also have different bonuses/penalties when using different weapons -- see table on damage page.

Cralogo Cra
Archer class, uses long-range bow and arrow attacks.
Ecafliplogo Ecaflip
Gambler class, with attacks that can be either beneficial or harmful.
Eniripsalogo Eniripsa
Cleric class, casts healing spells and ally buffs.
Enutroflogo Enutrof
Treasure-hunter class, specializes in increased drop rates.
Fecalogo Feca
Defensive magic-user, casts shields which reduce damage. Has very few offensive spells as a result.
Ioplogo Iop
Paladin class, close range melee class. High damage. Ally buffer.
Osamodaslogo Osamodas
Summoner class, summons various monsters to fight along side them.
Pandawalogo Pandawa
Boozer class, a race of panda people. Only available for the P2P members.
Sacrieurlogo Sacrier
Brawler class, melee attacker, relies on taking damage to increase stats.
Sadidalogo Sadida
Invoker class, plant people that conjure from the earth plants and totem "dolls" to atttack.
Sramlogo Sram
Assassin class, combination of traps and invisiblity. High damage melee attacks in higher levels.
Xelorlogo Xelor
Denial attacker, most of their attacks sap or steal the opponents AP.

Class comparison

Class Solo Support Range Evasion Attack Power


Good with low HP or MP enemies. Depending on the build it can be very balanced. Good with wide range of enemies in later levels. Improved range. The best. Has varied ranged attacks that pushback, reduce 1 or more AP. And has criticals to reduce MP or remove MP. Average damage, but remember, it's ranged.


Strength Ecaflips: Hard early on, easy later on. Bluff Ecaflips: Very easy early on, very hard later on. Dispel invisibility, Randomize APs/MPs, Increase Crit Hits and Agi, Life Drain and Summoning Claw Average Jump, Repel enemies Powerful, Random and Fun


Difficult at start, depends on a good weapon or Leek Pie. Strong with Gob Set at level 10, use phys. reduction stuff before then. The best. Heals, boosts AP, reduces damage and unbewitches Medium range attack spells Can frighten foes Very equipment dependant. Wand specialization is difficult to use.


Difficult at low levels, very easy in mid and high levels. Boost MP, Remove AP, Remove MP, Unbewitchment, Minor Healing or Crit Hit bonus, Int and Str boost. Very good once you get Coins Throwing and then Shovel of Judgement Can become invisible and gain MP as well as hide behind its Living Shovel or Living Bag Good at high level, low at start


Easy but slow, hard until Lv. 9, very easy after Lv. 70, but takes a long time to get there Protect allies with armors, can finish a fight if all other die Average Immunity and Truce reduce almost all direct damage, Paralyzing Glyph reduces MP, Spell Rebound can reflect spell damage completely, Teleportation Decent to high damage after Backlash or Burning glyph.


Easy, but will eat a lot Boosts allies damage, removes foes MP Few attacks Can Jump and knockback Very powerful at close range


Easy early on, hard in the mid-levels, average/easy later on Summons, Summon Buffs, Powerful Unsummon, +summonables A few medium ranged attacks. Uses summons as distractions. Boar and Magus Bwork have push-back spells Average direct damage. High damage with high level summons.


Generally difficult solo due to very short range, but does well against aggressive enemies. Carry and Throw allies for better position most boosting spells can be cast on others as well. Very few attacks Remove enemies bewitchments (only works on select bewitchments), reduce damage taken, Reduce damage done by enemies, reduce AP, increases Critical Failures, decrease Resistance by element, carry and throw enemies and allies Above average damage at close range, very equipment dependant


Easiest at low levels with low range enemies, and then better with ranged enemies once the main attack and attraction are maxed. Can give HP and attract monsters as well as save allies by taking their damage or switching places with them. Usually very good team players with high hp. Few attacks, but attraction can be used to get enemies within range The best evasion based attack ever, Evasion Good damage at close range, but also some linear spells (Assault)


Very Easy. Specialty against mobs. Dolls use removal of MP, AP, and even Range. Good MP reduction with Soothing Bramble. Also minor healing with the Inflatable. Good Many dolls and spells remove MP, AP, or Range. Can also drain HP from summons. Very good damage at all ranges.


Tactical to play, can be very powerful Make an ally invisible with Invisibility of Others, but traps may inadvertently hurt allies Mass Trap has fair range, most other attacks do not Can push foes, become invisible, take enemy AP or MP, or summon a Double Some Daggers do excellent close damage with Weapon skill


Average to good with a good Counter and/or Blinding Protection Boost AP, remove AP Good Teleportation, Flight, damage reflection, damage reduction Average


As usual, most of the class names are anagrams or other references to words that have to do with the class's abilities.

  • Sadida - Adidas, a shoe company fits right into the name Sadida's Shoe, though it has little to do with the class's abilities.
  • Osamodas - Sado-Maso, a term for people who enjoy using whips recreationally. Again, unrelated to the class's abilities, except for the Whip spell.
  • Enutrof - Fortune, the connection to the treasure-hunting Enutrof class is obvious.
  • Sram - Mars, inside developer joke. It refers to the Mars chocolate bar, not to the planet or Roman god of war.
  • Xelor - Rolex, a prestigious brand of watch; the Xelor class is known for manipulating time.
  • Ecaflip - "Pile ou Face", French for "Tails or Heads", respectively. (The French version of the Ecaflip's Heads or Tails spell is also called Pile ou Face)
  • Eniripsa - Aspirine/Aspirin, a common pain reliever; the Eniripsa class is a healing class.
  • Iop - Yop, a yogurt drink from Yoplait. Another inside joke from the developers. (See below)
  • Cra - Arc, french for "Bow".
  • Feca - café, which means "coffee" in French. Another inside joke. (See below)
  • Sacrier - from "Sacrifice", which is what Sacriers must do to use most of their powers, and "crier", as in someone who cries. Their French name is Sacrieur, which is a combination of "sacrifice" and "rieur", which means "one who laughs". They laugh at pain.
  • Pandawa - Believed to be short for "panda warrior". More likely a poke at the Pandaren Brewmaster character in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, and at the continual rumors of Pandaren becoming a playable race in World of Warcraft. Like the Pandawa, the Pandaren are a neutral race who rarely venture away from their isolated island of Pandaria. The name Pandawa is also an anagram of the word used for a Jedi in training, "Padawan" (but whether this is actually related to the class is unclear).

According to a post on this topic on the official forums, Feca, Iop, and Sram were the first three classes created, so the developers named them after their favorites among the various snacks they consumed when first creating the game (coffee, yogurt drinks, and chocolate), and the names have nothing to do with the classes themselves.

Class Teams

The following are guides for when a particular class fights alongside other classes in 2-player teams.
