Polska Encyklopedia Dofusa

Sword smith


Kuciem mieczy zajmuje się Płatnerz wymaga on odpowiednich narzędzi (by kuć trzeba "wrzucić na siebie dane narzędzie" oraz pobytu w warsztacie.

Pozyskiwanie Surowców[]

Kowal do produkcji (w tym przypadku mieczy) potrzebuje 2 surowców (Resources) metalu (czystej rudy bądz przetworzonej np. kryształów,aluminium - więcej w dziale Górnik)oraz drewna (bądz domieszek niektórych surowców - jakiejś nogi,szczypiec czy innej pierdoły).


Młot do kucia Mieczy (Sword Smith's Hammer)


Lokalizacje Warsztatów (Workshops)

 -Amakna Village (-1,2)
 -Amakna (3,29)
 -Astrub (6,-21)
 -Bonta  (-27,-57), (-27,-55), (-27,-54), (-26,-56), (-26,-55)
 -Brakmar (-21,34)



Przepisy (Recipes)[]

Naprawa odbokowuje się dopiero po osiągnięciu 2 slotów i 10 lvl'u. Dwa sloty to maximum.

Kucie mieczy

                           Wymagane sloty  
                             2 sloty

Small Twiggy Sword (2) - 2 Chestnut Wood, 2 Ash Wood

Twiggy Sword (3) - 3 Chestnut Wood, 2 Ash Wood

Great Twiggy Sword (6) - 4 Chestnut Wood, 2 Ash Wood

Powerful Twiggy Sword (7) - 5 Chestnut Wood, 2 Ash Wood

                            3 sloty 

Ha Small Sword (13) - 4 Bronze, 4 Kobalt Stone, 1 Tin

Small Holy Sword (13) - 5 Tin, 3 Coppery Stone, 1 Chestnut Wood

Small Smithy Sword (13) - 5 Iron, 5 Chestnut Wood, 3 Coppery Stone

Smithy Sword (13) - 5 Walnut Wood, 5 Chestnut Wood, 4 Coppery Stone

Tail (sword) (13) - 3 Tin, 3 Iron, 2 Manganese

Great Smithy Sword (14) - 5 Coppery Stone, 5 Chestnut Wood, 5 Iron

Ha Sword (15) - 5 Kobalt Stone, 4 Bronze, 1 Tin

Holy Sword (15) - 6 Tin, 3 Coppery Stone, 1 Chestnut Wood

Powerful Smithy Sword (15) - 6 Coppery Stone, 5 Chestnut Wood, 5 Iron

Great Holy Sword (16) - 7 Tin, 3 Coppery Stone, 1 Chestnut Wood

Ha Great Sword (16) - 5 Kobalt Stone, 4 Bronze, 2 Tin

Nag Rider Blade (16) - 5 Coppery Stone, 5 Kobalt Stone, 4 Maple Wood

Ha's Powerful Sword (17) - 6 Bronze, 5 Kobalt Stone, 2 Tin

Powerful Holy Sword (17) - 8 Tin, 3 Coppery Stone, 1 Chestnut Wood

                             4 sloty

Slash (18) - 6 Iron, 5 Bronze, 3 Manganese, 1 Silver

Small Fwell Sword (21) - 4 Coppery Stone, 3 Bauxite Stone, 3 Bronze, 1 Tin

Infernal Tail (21) - 10 Bronze, 9 Tin, 9 Manganese, 6 Gold

Little Bwork Blade (21) - 8 Manganese, 4 Bronze, 1 Cherry Wood, 1 Silver

Little Knight Sword (21) - 4 Coppery Stone, 4 Silver, 2 Tin, 1 Ebony Wood

The Sad Blade (21) - 5 Silver, 4 Bronze, 2 Coppery Stone, 1 Tin

Fwell Sword (22) - 5 Bronze, 4 Coppery Stone, 3 Bauxite Stone, 1 Silver

Infernal Sharp (22) - 5 Walnut Wood, 3 Coppery Stone, 3 Bauxite Stone, 1 Silver

Bwork Blade (23)' - 8 Manganese, 4 Bronze, 2 Cherry Wood, 1 Silver

Knight Sword (23) - 4 Coppery Stone, 4 Silver, 2 Tin, 2 Ebony Wood

Great Fwell Sword (24) - 5 Bronze, 4 Coppery Stone, 4 Bauxite Stone, 1 Tin

Great Bwork Blade (24) - 8 Manganese, 4 Bronze, 3 Cherry Wood, 1 Silver

Great Knight Sword (24) - 4 Silver, 4 Coppery Stone, 3 Ebony Wood, 2 Tin

The Klebik (25) - 9 Coppery Stone, 5 Bronze, 3 Bauxite Stone, 2 Tin

Powerful Fwell Sword (26) - 5 Bauxite Stone, 4 Coppery Stone, 3 Bronze, 1 Tin

Powerful Bwork Blade (26) - 8 Manganese, 4 Cherry Wood, 4 Bronze, 1 Silver

Powerful Knight Sword (26) - 4 Ebony Wood, 4 Coppery Stone, 4 Silver, 2 Tin

Chafer Blade (27) - 5 Bauxite Stone, 2 Coppery Stone, 2 Bronze, 2 Silver

                            5 slotów

Badoul Mane of Hair (33) - 10 Cherry Wood, 6 Silver, 5 Sapphire, 5 Bronze, 5 Iron

The Claw (35) - 10 Silver, 5 Kwak claws, 2 Bombu Wood, 2 Spinal Cord, 2 Plain Boar Tusk

Goultard (40) - 5 Amber, 2 Diamond, 2 Sapphire, 1 Gold, 1 Dragon Pig blood

Shodanwa Saber (40) - 8 Bamboo Wood, 5 KoKonut Palm Trunk, 4 Bambooto Amber, 1 Aluminite, 1 Brassic

Small Evening Star (40) - 10 Hornbeam Wood, 10 Yew Wood, 10 Coppery Stone, 10 Gold, 1 Crystal Stone

Earth Kwakblade (41) - 4 Oak Wood, 3 Gold, 2 Earth Kwak Beak, 2 Kwak claws, 2 Bauxite Stone

Fire Kwakblade (41) - 4 Oak Wood, 3 Gold, 2 Kwak claws, 2 Bauxite Stone, 2 Fire Kwak Beak

Ice Kwakblade (41) - 4 Oak Wood, 3 Gold, 2 Kwak claws, 2 Ice Kwak Beak, 2 Bauxite Stone

Wind Kwakblade (41) - 4 Oak Wood, 3 Gold, 2 Kwak claws, 2 Wind Kwak Beak, 2 Bauxite Stone

Evening Star (44) - 17 Gold, 17 Coppery Stone, 17 Hornbeam Wood, 17 Yew Wood, 1 Crystal Stone

Ogralimde Sword (45) - 8 Iron, 6 Coppery Stone, 5 Silver, 1 Ha Sword, 1 Cherry Wood

Small Craft Knife (46) - 13 Manganese, 13 Bauxite Stone, 13 Oliviolet Wood, 13 Silver, 2 Sapphire Stone

Bright Evening Star (48) - 20 Hornbeam Wood, 20 Coppery Stone, 20 Gold, 20 Yew Wood, 1 Crystal Stone

Craft Knife (52) - 15 Silver, 15 Manganese, 15 Oliviolet Wood, 15 Bauxite Stone, 2 Sapphire Stone

Immortal Evening Star (52) - 25 Gold, 25 Coppery Stone, 25 Hornbeam Wood, 25 Yew Wood, 1 Crystal Stone

The Great Craft Knife (58) - 20 Manganese, 20 Silver, 20 Oliviolet Wood, 20 Bauxite Stone, 2 Sapphire

Bloody Craft Knife (64) - 20 Gold, 20 Manganese, 20 Bauxite Stone, 20 Oliviolet Wood, 2 Sapphire

                             6 slotów

Raziel (52) - 4 Coppery Stone, 2 Crystal, 2 Sapphire, 2 Diamond, 2 Emerald, 2 Bauxite Stone

Kralove Cutting Sword (61) - 20 Crab Tongue, 20 Crab Pincer, 20 Crab Eye, 10 Magnesite, 10 Bakelelite, 1 Empty Crab Shell

Nidanwa Saber (66) - 6 Bambooto Amber, 4 Dark Bamboo, 3 Kriptonit, 2 Brassic, 2 Pyrute*, 1 Topaz

Sharp Claw (68) - 5 Scurvion leg, 5 Yellow Fang, 5 Silver, 5 Bombu Wood, 5 Kanigrou nail, 2 Sapphire

Chief Crocodyl Blade (70) - 3 Aluminite, 2 Kobalit, 2 Ruby, 1 Reptilian Sword fragment, 1 Ebonite, 1 Bakelelite

Gobball Royal Sword (70) - 50 Gobball Hammer, 25 Gobbly's Eye, 15 Gobball Eye, 5 Gobball War Chief tooth, 2 Gobball horn, 2 Horn of the Gobball War Chief

Slicing Fan (75) - 30 Gold, 20 Elm Wood, 10 Crystal, 5 Kokoko leaf, 1 Prespic mane, 1 Whitish Fang fabric

Saber Feudala (76) - 50 Fire Pandawushu Artefact, 3 Pyrute*, 3 Brassic, 1 Aquamarine, 1 Topaz, 1 Agathe

Rubber Sword (73) - 4 Sparo's Humerus, 3 Oilbow Grease, 2 Kurasso Petal, 2 Mojeeto Petal, 2 Passaoh Petal, 2 Mahlibuh Petal

                                7 slotów  

Pink Claw (100) - 30 Gold, 5 Oliviolet Wood, 2 Ruby, 2 Emerald, 1 Sword Pommel, 1 Scurvion Entrails, 1 Scaraleaf Intestines

Evening Razor (106) - 6 Holy Bambooto Wood, 6 Brassic, 5 Magnesite, 4 Pyrute*, 3 Kouartz, 2 Agathe, 1 Aquamarine

Grizmine Claw (111) - 9 Magic Grass Snake Tooth, 5 Moowolf teeth, 4 Pyrute*, 3 Pointed Tooth, 2 Brassic, 2 Topaz, 1 Aquamarine

Saber (83) - 6 Magic Bamboo Wood, 4 Kouartz, 2 Pyrute*, 2 Aluminite, 2 Topaz, 1 Ancestral Amber, 1 Brassic

Tyse Pick (85) - 5 Blue Scara Shell, 5 Ice Kwak Feather, 5 Tin, 5 Bauxite Stone, 2 Bear Paw, 1 Plissken venom, 1 Blue Mage Metaria

Yondanwa Saber (93) - 10 Aluminite, 10 Dark Bamboo, 3 Brassic, 3 Pyrute*, 3 Kobalit, 2 Topaz, 2 Agathe

Fake Ceangal Claw (95) - 10 Bombu Wood, 10 Silver, 5 Wild Dragoturkey peak, 5 Kanigrou nail, 2 Emerald, 1 Sword Pommel, 1 Crocodyl bone

Stalk Sword (100) - 15 Dolomite, 10 Snailmet Slobber, 7 Mumminotor Leather, 5 Greater Bherb Eyebrow, 2 Moopet Fabric, 1 Cheeken Plait, 1 Gourlo's Explosive Powder

                                     8 slotów

Ice Knight Sword (12) - 1 Iron, 1 Oak Wood, 1 Ash Wood, 1 Bronze, 1 Chestnut Wood, 1 Coppery Stone, 1 Walnut Wood, 1 Tin

Dark Vlad Sword (126) - 30 Elm Wood, 10 Ancestral Amber, 6 Dantegoulish Potion, 5 Brassic, 5 Holy Bambooto Amber, 3 Pyrute*, Crystaloball Stone, 1 Bone of the Pandikaze Ghost

Dreggon Sword (127) - 13 Black Dragoss Shell, 13 Golden Dragoss Shell, 13 White Dragoss Shell, 13 Sapphire Dragoss Shell, 3 Flying Dreggon Horn, 3 Dreggon Warrior Horn, 1 Golden Scarabugly Entrails, 1 Black Dragoss Horn

Abatz Sword (135) - 12 Holy Bamboo Wood, 7 Brassic, 6 Pyrute*, 6 Ancestral Amber, 4 Aquamarine, 3 Agathe, 3 Topaz, 1 Bone of the Pandulum Ghost

Andy War Sword (143) - 17 Holy Bamboo Wood, 16 Kaliptus Wood, 12 Flying Dreggon Horn, 11 Kouartz, 11 Pointed Stone fragment, 10 Brassic, 4 Bone of the Leopardo Ghost, 2 Scurvion Entrails

Crimson Claw (145) - 100 Purple Piwi Feather, 100 Bwork Purple Leather, 15 Pandora's Hairs, 9 Pandora skin, 7 Mopy King Fabric, 3 Tynril Pistil, 2 Moowolf fabric, 1 Feathered Tail of the Greater Bherb

Furritung (158) - 15 Holy Bamboo Wood, 9 Pyrute*, 9 Brassic, 5 Aquamarine, 5 Topaz, 4 Bulbig Magic Bark, 3 Magic Holy Bambooto Root, 1 Bone of the Pandora Ghost

Fuchsia (163) - 59 Rotaflor Carpel, 47 Light Treeckler Stump, 11 Zoth Girl's Handkerchief, 2 Scaraleaf Intestines, 1 Tynril Bark, 1 Vibrating Royal Tofu Feather, 1 Bride hat, 1 Moowolf Mojo

Killarity Sword (169) - 25 Koalak Mummy Ulna, 21 Wild Koalak Femur, 21 Oliviolet Wood, 18 Kaliptus Wood, 12 Brassic, 6 Bone of the Tanukouï San Ghost, 4 Magic Slice of Trunknid, 2 Shin Larva Tooth

Sword Hikk (177) - 55 Floramor Stamen, 5 Air Pikoko Nut, 1 Feathered Tail of the Greater Bherb, 1 Kimbo's Precious Stone, 1 Skeunk Skin, 1 Ga Pme Rune, 1 Zoth Master's Fly, 1 Used Bwork protection

Kukri Kura (179) - 98 Ouassingue Fabric, 69 Mufafah Mustache, 68 Air Pikoko Rear, 16 Kriptonit, 13 Zoth Disciple's Kneecap, 8 Koolich Braid, 1 Scrawny Bwak, 1 Kimbo Sock

Az'tech (186) - 100 Gold Ingot, 60 Moopet Stuffing, 21 Polished Stone Heart, 9 Snailmet (item), 2 Kimbo Wig, 1 Magic Peki Tail, 1 Kimbo's Precious Stone, 1 Greater Bherb Skin
