Dofus Wiki
Quest Summary
Starting Talk to Meriana at [-6,-3]
Level required 80
Other prerequisites Draconthropy
Recommended level 120
Max XP 3,698,784  at Level 200
Total rewards 40,272 Kamas, 1 Powerful Vitality Scroll
Items required
(not provided by quest)
1 Incarnam Lemonade, 1,100 Kamas
Leads to Dofus Emerald Dofus quest 8 of 8
Emerald Dofus

A Trip Back in Time is a quest.


Talk to Meriana at [-6,-3] in the Nauseating Swamps after completing Draconthropy.

While you've been running around all over the place, I've been gathering information... It took a lot of energy, but I finally succeeded in locating Dark Vlad... more or less. He's very far from here. He's left the World of Twelve to go to the celestial island of Incarnam.
Don't look at me like that - I'm as surprised as you are. You are therefore going to go to the island in the clouds. According to legend, Incarnam rests on the back of Prysmaradoth... which ought to improve the functioning of the talisman.

Keep listening.

I can't go with you. It's a long story – just take my word for it. Take the road to Astrub and use the portal in the Temple of the Twelve to go to Incarnam. Once there, try to find out where Dark Vlad is. When you have that information, contact me using the Kerub Militia's Orbalantyr.

Ask what the Orbalantyr is.

It's a type of stone that magicians use to communicate over long distances. It's important that you don't confront Dark Vlad without talking to me first. There are very powerful locations in Incarnam, and I must make sure that the terrain where you will confront him will not be to his advantage. Do you understand?

Reply that you understand perfectly.

In that case, go. The next time we speak, it will be with the Orbalantyr. And don't forget: silence is golden, words should be chosen carefully, and appearances can be deceiving...


Step 1: A Trip Back in Time[]

You're on your way to Incarnam, the celestial land where it all began. Brings back memories, doesn't it...? This time round, your journey will lead to Dark Vlad and the Dofus Emerald!
  • Find out more about the rumours racing around Incarnam
Enter the Incarnam Inn at [0,-3] and talk to Regular Customer of the Inn.
You will need to give him 1 Incarnam Lemonade; you can buy one from Fattumy or Kandie the Server if you don't already have one.

Young people are always in such a rush! They don't know how to appreciate the calmer things in life. A glass of lemonade, a few friends, a pretty waitress... no better way to spend your days.

Ask about the rumours that are going around Incarnam.

I know everything worth knowing around here! But it's difficult to talk when your throat is dry as a militiaman's ration. Maybe a bit of lemonade would help. With a slice of lemon, of course.

Hand over some lemonade.

Sluuurp... aaahh... that'll about do the trick. Now, you wanted to know what was going on in the area?

Say that you're very interested indeed.

Ah well, things are a bit uppity at the moment. There was a fire in the Flight Zone, a storm de-horned the Gobballs, and an adventurer jumped off the edge to prove that he was braver than a Iop. There are also whispers that the Lord of the Evil Forest is in Incarnam!

Try to find out more on this topic.

People are saying he set fire to several celestial balloons, simply for the pleasure of sowing a little chaos... The Kerub Militia is quite on edge and they've stepped up patrols. Difficult to rest your head when Dark Vlad's flying over it on his evil Karne, isn't it? Slurp.

Say goodbye and head for the militia tower.
You lose 1 Incarnam Lemonade.
  • Question the chief of the Incarnam militia  [0,-4] (Incarnam)
Enter the Militia building at [0,-4] and talk to Kerub Captain.

Attention! *salutes*
At ease. What can I do for you, adventurer?

Ask if he's seen Dark Vlad since the fire in the Flight Zone.

I see that adventurers always have an ear out for rumours. At the moment, Dark Vlad remains unfound. Maybe in the end he'll disappear as suddenly as he appeared. But until that happens, we must be doubly vigilant, particularly against Chafers.

Find out more.

The Lord of the Evil Forest has a powerful influence on creatures of the night. The Chafers who haunt the cemetery in Incarnam are becoming bolder and increasingly violent. Other dead are awakening... ancient and dangerous spirits. Celestial winds are picking up. Something is coming.

Ask who watches over the cemetery.

Militiaman Hatten is on guard at the bridge. If the Chafers organise an attack, he'll raise the alert.

Say goodbye and head for the cemetery.
You will need to give him 1,000 Kamas.

Incarnam's cemetery used to be calm. But now it's a cursed place, haunted by Chafers.

Ask questions about Dark Vlad and the Chafers that live in the cemetery.

Ah, you're up to speed? It's scary, isn't it? I'd heard talk of him, but to actually see him, that's another thing entirely!

Ask him to tell you what he saw.

You're curious, it would seem. I'm ready to tell you everything... for a little contribution. The salary of a militiaman is a bit light for my preference, and I don't waste opportunities to earn a few extra kamas.

Sigh and ask how much it'll cost you.

I'll tell you everything for 1,000 kamas. You don't look terribly poor - I'm sure it's peanuts for you.

Hand over 1,000 kamas.

Thank you for your generosity... What I'm about to tell you stays between us, okay? A couple of days ago, I was on night duty. It was cold, and the moonlight made things even more gloomy. The Chafers were jawing on and on, as is their habit. It's crazy how talkative the dead can be. And then suddenly, it was dead quiet... but not for long. The silence was soon broken by a blood-curdling scream. I heard a noise over my head, and I saw Dark Vlad land in the middle of the cemetery, on the back of his flying Karne!

Keep listening.

I'm rather attached to being alive, so I tried to be unnoticeable, despite my chattering teeth. Dark Vlad approached a tomb and a Chafer came out: an old skeleton, an ancient bandit who'd rotted there for a very, very long time. He talked quickly with the dark Iop, and then the Evil Lord left heading north.

Keep listening.

I know the tombs and who lies in them. The pile of bones that came out to talk was part of the Three Eds, the cruellest bandits in Incarnam! Scoundrels worse than any around today. The leaders weren't buried in the cemetery, but off to the side. An old legend says it's possible to summon them by stabbing a bone knife into the ground at the foot of one of those steles... The members of the gang used bone knives to recognise each other, see? I never believed it until right now, and I won't be surprised if we hear more talk of the Three Eds in the days to come...

Ask exactly where the old skeleton's grave is.

It's not far from here. Be careful, he'll be a lot more dangerous than the Chafer Novices who hang around here.

Give him a nod and enter the cemetery.
You lose 1,000 Kamas.
  • Defeat 1 Chafer Bandit in a single fight
Talk to Chafer Bandit at [3,1], one map down.
A fight starts against 1 Lvl. 110 Chafer Bandit with 2700 HP. Other characters and Sidekicks can join the fight, and update their quests if they're on the same step.
You will drop 1 Bone Knife.
  • Find the map: Three Ed Stones
[3,-1], two maps up.
  • Defeat the Three Eds  [3,-1] (Incarnam)
Click on the large stone knife on the right.
This causes you to lose 1 Bone Knife, and automatically starts a fight against 3 Lvl. 110 Invisible Chafers:
  • Ofwiddis Ed - 1000 HP
  • Scratcher Ed - 2500 HP
  • Throbbing Ed - 2100 HP
You will drop 1 Spectral Bone.
Other characters and Sidekicks can join the fight, and update their quests if they're on the same step (they do not have to click on the statue first).
By joining another character's fight, you can skip clicking the statue and keep the Bone Knife quest item, but this has no further use.

Aren't you ashamed of tormenting the dead? You should have more respect for our poor old bones!

On an impulse, take the Evil Skull out of your bag.

Greasy, grabbing fingers of Sram! Where did you find that? I knew there was something protecting you... I sensed it. I never guessed you were hiding my poor old 'ead in your things, though! You stole it from the Cania bandits, didn't you? Those three rascals really did us wrong! Give me back my skull!

Demand information about Dark Vlad in return.

Information? No problem! It's not as if I had a shred of integrity when I was alive, so I'm hardly going to start now! Dark Vlad was the one who awoke us from our eternal sleep in the first place, a very long time ago. He needed our help in stealing a Dofus. Do you want to know where the Iop went with his stupid Karne? Well, I'll tell you: he went to the end of the world, to the Tip of the Dragon's Tail! It's the kind of place that mortals avoid, because anything can happen there... Anything at all...

Hand over the skull and head to the Kerubs' tower to tell Meriana everything.
You lose 1 Evil Skull and 1 Spectral Bone.
Inside the Militia building.

Attention! *salutes*
At ease. What can I do for you, adventurer?

Say that you need to use the Orbalantyr.

How do you know... hmm. Wait a second, you're no ordinary adventurer! You work for one of them, is that it? Or a master of the arcane is guiding you... Oh, so it's a magician then? Say no more. I've never met Meriana, but I know her reputation. Very well. I see no reason to refuse you access to the Orbalantyr.
Take this key, and bring it back to me when you're finished. The trapdoor that leads to the Orbalantyr is just there, under the rug.

Say thank you and look for the trapdoor.
You receive 1 Orbalantyr Room Key.
  • Find the map: Orbalantyr Room  [0,-4] (Incarnam)
Click the rug under the cannon on the left side of the room.
  • Activate the Orbalantyr  [0,-4] (Incarnam)
Click on the Orbalantyr and choose the 'Inspect' option.
It costs 100 Kamas to speak to the Orbalantyr. You must choose the correct dialog options to connect to Meriana, or you'll have to start over and pay another 100 Kamas.
The correct options are, in order:
  • Turn the figurine with its hands over its ears. (the third option)
  • Turn the figurine with its hands over its mouth, then the one with its hands over its eyes. (the first option)

(You see a crucible containing some traces of melted gold under the Orbalantyr.)

Place 100 kamas in the crucible.

(The pieces of gold start to melt. The Orbalantyr sparkles and opens like an eye.
Three figurines in the shape of tiny magicians appear on the pedestal. The three are all different: one covers its eyes, another its mouth, and the third its ears. The figurines twist on their bases and can be turned towards the globe.)

Turn the figurine with its hands over its eyes.
Turn the figurine with its hands over its mouth.
Turn the figurine with its hands over its ears.

(The figurine starts to twinkle on its base.)

Turn the figurine with its hands over its mouth, then the one with its hands over its eyes.
Turn the figurine with its hands over its eyes, then the one with its hands over its mouth.
You lose 100 Kamas.
  • Talk to Meriana using the Orbalantyr  [0,-4] (Incarnam)

(The Orbalantyr holds all your attention. You can make out Meriana's face.)

Call Meriana.

... What's that? Speak up, I can't hear you!


Ow, my ears! Are you trying to make me deaf?! ...There, that's better. The reception isn't fantastic, but we'll deal with it. Now, have you discovered where Dark Vlad was hiding?

Say that he's at the Tip of the Dragon's Tail.

...By Enutrof! Do you hear that, Wedhig?! Well, grab the Moumouse by the tail and pay attention! The Tip of the Dragon's Tail is a sacred place, a place of great power. Whatever Dark Vlad is cooking up, it's something big. You must hurry and challenge him without delay!

Ask where the Dragon's Tail is.

Somewhere under the cloudy vault... but you don't need to grow wings to get there. All you need is a celestial balloon. Wedhig will guide you. Find her near the Flight Zone to the east of Incarnam. Hurry! Time's running out! And don't forget: Prysmaradoth's Talisman is the key to victory.

Say your goodbyes and then step away from the Orbalantyr.

Attention! *salutes*
At ease. What can I do for you, adventurer?

Hand over the key to the captain.

Thank you. Thank you. You seem satisfied, so I guess you were able to contact Meriana... While you were in the Orbalantyr room, I got a message for you. A mysterious stranger wants to meet you. She's waiting at the hunting lodge in Incarnam. I don't know more than that.

Say thank you and leave.
You lose 1 Orbalantyr Room Key.
Note: speaking to the Mysterious Stranger NPC can unlock an additional spell (Clairvoyance) in the final fight against Dark Vlad, making it easier.
If you do not choose the correct dialog options, you will not get the spell. You only get one chance, so be careful. The correct choices are listed below.
  • Talk to the Mysterious Stranger
Go to [-2,-4]. Only the correct dialog options are shown here; make sure to choose the same ones.

The last time I came to Incarnam, it was to calm the restless sleep of a great dragon...

Tell her you're kind of in a rush.

I know, (your name). I know who you are, too, and most importantly, I know what you are looking for. You are searching for the Emerald Dofus.

Say nothing.

I see you choose to be prudent. That is a good thing. I sense you have other qualities too... Bravery, endurance and ferocity. But is there not something missing, if you want to succeed? Is there not another virtue that will be absolutely essential?

Say that you'd like to be more clear-sighted.

He who sees beyond appearances may take many paths to reach his goals. But tell me more about the treasure you desire so badly. Who created it?


That is what I have heard, too. Perhaps Aerafal wants you to find the Dofus he laid... But who knows what you might do with it? Please accept this modest gift. I hope that it will help you in your quest. *holds out a small box*

Accept and open the box.

Here is a fourth scale for you to add to Prysmaradoth's Talisman... The Scale of Clairvoyance. All you need to do to activate its power is place it in the centre of the Obsidian Pendant.

Place the fourth scale in the talisman.

You have chosen well, (your name). But the hardest part lies ahead. Defeating Dark Vlad will be no mean feat, even with the four scales from the Incarnam Dragon. I sincerely hope you succeed. Something tells me that we shall meet again. Until then... Good luck!

Thank her and leave.
If you chose correctly, you will receive the 'completed' version of Prysmaradoth's Talisman with a blue scale in the center, a blue glow, and a different description (You've placed the fourth scale in the middle of the talisman...).
Additional dialog options exist for incorrect choices:
Say that this is indeed your objective.

Well, good luck to you. Believe me, you'll need it... May the winds guide you safely down the path you have chosen.

Deny it outright.

In that case, I must be mistaken. Excuse me... and good luck on your quest, whatever it really is.

Admit that you feel you could be stronger.

You may be right, but I believe you are already strong enough. Either way, soon enough you will be all set. I wish you good luck, (your name). Goodbye.

Reply that you wouldn't mind being luckier.

Ah, luck, that fickle friend... Wouldn't we all like to be favoured by Ecaflip? But is it the answer to all our problems? Perhaps it is; perhaps it is not. I wish you all the best in your venture. I shall not keep you any longer.

Dark Vlad.

Really? I was sure he was only its guardian... Its illegitimate guardian at that. But it doesn't really matter. I wish you luck in your quest, (your name). Goodbye.


Meriana is a very powerful magician. Did she create the object you are fighting for? I am not sure. Good luck all the same. May the world's winds guide you.

The Water Dragon.

If that is what you believe, then I suppose it must be so. I hope you succeed in your quest for the Emerald Dofus. Perhaps we shall meet again some day.

  • Find the map: Flight Zone  [4,-4] (Incarnam)
  • Follow Wedhig to the Dragon's Tail
Speak to Wedhig at [4,-4].

Hoo hoooo? *looks at you with big wide eyes*

Climb into the balloon and follow Wedhig towards the Dragon's Tail.
  • Find the map: Tip of the Dragon's Tail  [2,3]
Proceed through the cave and up the stairs until you find the map with Dark Vlad (NPC) and the Emerald Dofus on a pedestal.
  • Defeat 1 Dark Vlad in a single fight  [2,3]
Talk to Dark Vlad.

Who dares disturb me? Another one of those pathetic adventurers... Go back where you came from, while you still have your life.

Say that you've come for the Emerald Dofus.

Obviously... But to get it, you'll need to defeat me... and that doesn't seem likely. *brandishes his flaming sword*

Feel Prysmaradoth's Talisman glowing on your chest. (starts a fight)

You transform into a dragon via Prysmaradoth's Reflection and start a tactical fight against Dark Vlad.
Upon winning, several new NPCs appear:
You lose 1 Prysmaradoth's Talisman.

Finally, I'm free! And I owe it all to you.

Realise that the person before you is Goultard, the greatest warrior in the Krosmoz.

From now on, I'll follow a different path than Dark Vlad. A huge part of my hatred has left me along with him. I'm still Goultard the Barbarian, but I will no longer be responsible for the actions of my evil double. That was a difficult burden to bear.
By beating Dark Vlad, you've won the right to take the Emerald Dofus. I've got no reason to keep it. It brings up too many bad memories for me.

Gaze at the Dofus... and notice that Meriana is watching you.

I'm happy to be rid of that hooded cloak! It was making me itchy.

Ask for some explanations.

Yes, the villainous dark witch was me. A little ruse to get close to Dark Vlad incognito... and make sure that he'd be there when I wanted him to be. It worked, didn't it? All's well that ends well.

Have so many questions that your reply is a stream of incomprehensible babbling.

Now, don't ruin everything. Do you want to tire the reader with a long and fastidious explanation? No, you're an adventurer - action more befits you! And you got what you wanted, didn't you? The Emerald Dofus is there, waiting for you!

Take a step towards the Dofus.
  • Take the Emerald Dofus  [2,3]
Click on the floating Emerald Dofus to complete the quest and the Green Emerald achievement.


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