Dofus Wiki
NPC Details
Area Enurado
Agent Sayles
Location Crucible of Fortunes
Coords [-5,-2]
Options Talk

Agent Sayles is an NPC.



Don't hang around these parts too long or else you'll be bonked on the head by a Strongboxer. The ones near the cash pump are especially aggressive; I'm always having to stop them from breaking the machine.

Ask what his mission consists of.

I'm in charge of supervising, protecting, and repairing this unique prototype of the cash pump. The way it works is really very simple: The machine creates a mini-portal inside itself, then it sucks up kamas and transfers them straight to the chest room in the Voyagers' Tower. Removing kamas from the Enutrof dimension requires a lot of energy, so this machine really guzzles down Orichor. We're not yet sure whether the cash pump is going to prove profitable, but our researchers are working hard on streamlining its performance.


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