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Removed Feature

The feature(s) mentioned on this page have been removed from the game, and are merely left on the Wiki for historical reasons.

Quest Summary
Starting Talk to Acidrik Gutsplitter
Other prerequisites Acidrik Gutsplitter's Book
Recommended level
Total rewards Level-Based XP, 150 Kamas Reward The Dofus Era - Found Fragments IV
Items required
(not provided by quest)
1 Astrub Beer
Sequel Saint in Body and Spirit

All's well that ends, well, with a beer is a quest.


Talk to Acidrik Gutsplitter.

Step 1: All's well that ends, well, with a beer[]

Found Fragments IV tells the story of the Genesis of the Dofus. Any self-respecting adventurer will have read this book, if they want to shine hi society. At least, that's what Avidrik will tell you between pints.

  • Search for the crate in the house that Oz Dralett wants you to find

Marp is a bit of a joker. Deep down she's nice, but between you and me, she's a bit strange.

Announce that the Found Fragments are not in the crate.

That's the weird thing. I ordered this copy of Fragments from Dick Kerboo Brandtawa, the Pandala librarian. Dick has my complete confidence and he's really not a distracted sort of fellow. Maybe the book got lost somewhere on the way... I should have checked when the delivery arrived, but I was rather busy at the time.

Ask who dealt with the delivery.

It was a Iop, guy called Cloud Riff, or was it Loud Criff...? Something like that. I think he lives in Astrub, but I don't know where, exactly. I seem to remember him talking about somewhere people visited a lot... If you ever get your hands on the book, hang onto it. I'll ask Narber for another copy.

Leave in search of the delivery man.

  • Find the map: Delivery Guy's House (4,-19)


Argh! It's getting worse and worse, I couldn't go to the dates I had. So I decided to invite them all to the Trool Fair to make up for it, so now, I've got 3 dates at the same time. What shall I do?

Ask if he's worked for Oz Dralett.

I work for a lot of people. Dralett? Hmm, that rings a bell... I must have delivered something to him once.

Find out more about the contents of the delivery.

Uhh... I don't know, I... I don't open up my client's crates with a crowbar, I'm an honest delivery man with nothing to be ashamed of!

Remain unconvinced by his reply and decide to dig around all over the place.

  • Search the Delivery Guy's House (2nd floor of the house, click on the red book)

Argh! It's getting worse and worse, I couldn't go to the dates I had. So I decided to invite them all to the Trool Fair to make up for it, so now, I've got 3 dates at the same time. What shall I do?

Show the copy of the Fragments and demand an explanation.

Argh! Ok, I admit it. I pinched the book. I was lookin' for the secret of the Dofus... but the writing's really tiny, it gave me an 'eadache! That'll teach me for tryin' to be clever.

Ask where the missing page is.

I'm afraid I may have used it to light my hob... sorry! I'll make an offering to Iop, to beg his pardon!

Go back to see Acidrik at the tavern.


Level-Based XP, 150 Kamas, The Dofus Era - Found Fragments IV
