Removed Feature
The feature(s) mentioned on this page have been removed from the game, and are merely left on the Wiki for historical reasons.
Quest Summary | ||||||||||||
All's well that ends, well, with a beer is a quest.
Talk to Acidrik Gutsplitter.
Step 1: All's well that ends, well, with a beer[]
Found Fragments IV tells the story of the Genesis of the Dofus. Any self-respecting adventurer will have read this book, if they want to shine hi society. At least, that's what Avidrik will tell you between pints.
- Talk to Oz Dralett at (-1,-21)
- Search for the crate in the house that Oz Dralett wants you to find
- Talk to Oz Dralett again
Dialog |
Marp is a bit of a joker. Deep down she's nice, but between you and me, she's a bit strange.
That's the weird thing. I ordered this copy of Fragments from Dick Kerboo Brandtawa, the Pandala librarian. Dick has my complete confidence and he's really not a distracted sort of fellow. Maybe the book got lost somewhere on the way... I should have checked when the delivery arrived, but I was rather busy at the time.
It was a Iop, guy called Cloud Riff, or was it Loud Criff...? Something like that. I think he lives in Astrub, but I don't know where, exactly. I seem to remember him talking about somewhere people visited a lot... If you ever get your hands on the book, hang onto it. I'll ask Narber for another copy.
- Find the map: Delivery Guy's House (4,-19)
- Talk to Louc Drif (4,-19)
Dialog |
Argh! It's getting worse and worse, I couldn't go to the dates I had. So I decided to invite them all to the Trool Fair to make up for it, so now, I've got 3 dates at the same time. What shall I do?
I work for a lot of people. Dralett? Hmm, that rings a bell... I must have delivered something to him once.
Uhh... I don't know, I... I don't open up my client's crates with a crowbar, I'm an honest delivery man with nothing to be ashamed of!
- Search the Delivery Guy's House (2nd floor of the house, click on the red book)
- Show 1 Copy of Found Fragments IV to Louc Drif (4,-19)
Dialog |
Argh! It's getting worse and worse, I couldn't go to the dates I had. So I decided to invite them all to the Trool Fair to make up for it, so now, I've got 3 dates at the same time. What shall I do?
Argh! Ok, I admit it. I pinched the book. I was lookin' for the secret of the Dofus... but the writing's really tiny, it gave me an 'eadache! That'll teach me for tryin' to be clever.
I'm afraid I may have used it to light my hob... sorry! I'll make an offering to Iop, to beg his pardon!
- Show 1 Copy of Found Fragments IV to Acidrik Gutsplitter at (5,-17)
- Take 1 Astrub Beer to Acidrik Gutsplitter
Level-Based XP, 150 Kamas, The Dofus Era - Found Fragments IV