Antrezure is a monster.
- Breakers - Deals neutral damage with a 1-cell area of effect around the target while stealing 50 strength for 2 turns. Has a range of 2.
- Decompression - Self-buff that causes the Antrezure to gain 1 mp and 100% power for 1 turn every time it is hit. Has an initial cool-down of 1 turn with a 3-turn cool-down afterwards.
- Eruption - Deals fire damage and applies a 20% erosion penalty to the target for 2 turns. Has a range of 1.
Name | Base Drop Rate | Conditions |
Antrezure Antenna | 30% | None |
Kamatrix | 0.6% | None |
Bag of Cherries | 1~1.4% | None |
Oozing Meat | 30% | Hunter (Lv. 100) |
Orichor | 0.2% | Just a Flesh Wound completed |