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Atomystique is an aggressive monster.



Level Stats Resistance (%) Resistance (Linear) Resistance (Other)
HP AP MP Lock Neutral Resistance Earth Resistance Fire Resistance Water Resistance Air Resistance Neutral Resistance Earth Resistance Fire Resistance Water Resistance Air Resistance AP Parry MP Parry Critical Resistance Pushback Resistance
165 4,000 12 6 12 20 35 19 -30
168 4,125 12 6 13 21 36 20 -29
171 4,250 12 6 14 22 37 21 -28
174 4,375 12 6 15 23 37 22 -27
177 4,500 12 6 16 24 39 23 -26


  • Democritik: Ressurects a dead ally with 10% HP, 2 turns cooldown. High range.
  • Neuthron: Can only be casted on a ressurected ally. +200 (+400 on a crit) damage to the summon. If killed, including when the Atomystique that ressurected it is killed, it will explode causing about 600~800 fire damage in a 2 cell AoE.
  • Prothon: Hits the target for about 300~500 air damage and inflicts the weakness state for one turn. Only close combat range.


Name Base Drop Rate Conditions
Atomystique Tephra 1~1.4% None
Atomystique Stone 10~14% None
Aline Rose 100% Quest
Volun Tear 100% Quest
Basalt Seed 100% Quest
Grenhayde Seed 100% Quest
Tyler Rose 100% Quest
Elboy Hellebore 100% Quest
Magmatic Teardrop 100% Quest
Little Piece of Future 15% Quest
Mysterious Atomystique 10% Quest
Mother of Pearl Brooch .1% Quest available