Atomystique is an aggressive monster.
- Democritik: Ressurects a dead ally with 10% HP, 2 turns cooldown. High range.
- Neuthron: Can only be casted on a ressurected ally. +200 (+400 on a crit) damage to the summon. If killed, including when the Atomystique that ressurected it is killed, it will explode causing about 600~800 fire damage in a 2 cell AoE.
- Prothon: Hits the target for about 300~500 air damage and inflicts the weakness state for one turn. Only close combat range.
Name | Base Drop Rate | Conditions |
Atomystique Tephra | 1~1.4% | None |
Atomystique Stone | 10~14% | None |
Aline Rose | 100% | Quest |
Volun Tear | 100% | Quest |
Basalt Seed | 100% | Quest |
Grenhayde Seed | 100% | Quest |
Tyler Rose | 100% | Quest |
Elboy Hellebore | 100% | Quest |
Magmatic Teardrop | 100% | Quest |
Little Piece of Future | 15% | Quest |
Mysterious Atomystique | 10% | Quest |
Mother of Pearl Brooch | .1% | Quest available |