Dofus Wiki
NPC Details
Area Amakna
Brayar Jonsonne
Location Milicluster
Coords [4,6]
Details Appears during Gobbstock Festival
Options Talk

Brayar Jonsonne is an NPC.


One of the answers below is chosen at random
  1. I'm on the high road to Brakmar!
    On the high road to Brakmar!
    High road to Brakmar!
    I'm on the high road to Brakmar!
  2. 'Cause I'm...
    A seismobomb, I'm dynamite
    A grenado, and I'll win the fight
    A water bomb, I'm a power load
    An explobomb, watch me explode!
  3. Brakmar's bells,
    You've got me ringing Brakmar's bells,
    My temperature's high, Brakmar's bells.
  4. "Let there be sound", and sound there was
    "Let there be guitar", and guitar there was
    "Let there be Bwork music!"

