Pieces of equipment which increase Intelligence.
See Intelligence equipment for a sortable list.
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All items (856)
- Abdominable Belt
- Adventurer Amulet
- Adventurer Belt
- Adventurer Boots
- Adventurer Cloak
- Adventurer Hat
- Adventurer Ring
- Age-Old Amulet
- Age-Old Belt
- Age-Old Helmet
- Airmikes
- Aj Taye Mace
- Al Pinist's Boots
- Albueran Trapper Belt
- Albueran Trapper Boots
- Albueran Trapper Lance
- Ambusheadgear
- Ambusherboots
- Ambusherot
- Amrothiline
- Amulet of the Putrid Eye
- Amulet of the Unspeakable
- Amunita
- Anaesthetising Belt
- Ancestral Daggers
- Ancestral Treechnid Splitter
- Andy War Sword
- Angel Bow
- Animal Boots
- Anium Ligature
- Anne Cestral's Z-Ring
- Ano Neemous Ring
- Antumband
- Antyklime Ax's Amulet
- Antyklime Ax's Boots
- Antyklime Ax's Cloak
- Apprenticeship Boots
- Arachnee Ambamulet
- Archer Voodoo Mask
- Archetypal Bow
- Archon's Bow
- Arctangent Bow
- Arkanum Bow
- Atcham Cape
- Atcham Sabres
- Atcham Sandals
- Autumnal Soft Oak G-String
- Axe Cidental
- Aykido Medal
- Barband
- Batouta Helmet
- Battleflag Amulet
- Bearbaric Band
- Bearman's Belt
- Bearman's Boots
- Bearman's Cloak
- Bearman's Headgear
- Bearman's Staff
- Beddy Bow
- Belt of the Prophets
- Belt of the Unsound Mind
- Belt of the Unspeakable
- Belt of Wonders
- Benj Boots
- Bewitched Band
- Biibl Belt
- Bim Bonnet
- Bitrydent
- Black Mel Root
- Black Ninjamulet
- Blarney Hammer
- Bledger
- Blord Warrior's Cursed Scythe
- Blord Warrior's Cursed Sword
- Bobblering
- Bombu Cutter
- Bontarian Belt
- Boogey Wand
- Boot Boots
- Boots Kwish
- Boots of the Unsound Mind
- Borealis's Headgear
- Bow Liwood
- Bow'hee Talisman
- Brainbox
- Bram Worldbeard's Crown
- Brave's Dark Dora
- Bronze Bwork Helmet
- Brrrito Amulet
- Brulay
- Buck Anear's Hat
- Buck Anear's Hook
- Buck Anear's Sabre
- Burning Cape
- Burning Shoes
- Bwork Chief Boots
- Bzzzinga Headband
- Cape Huccino
- Cape of Pohdoog
- Cape of the Putrid Eye
- Capistil
- Captain Scarlight's Boots
- Caribbean Staff
- Castuc Daggers
- Catseye Axe
- Catseye Boots
- Catseye Cape
- Catseye Helmet
- Cauldini Boots
- Cauldini Mask
- Cawwot-Bag
- Celestial Bearbarian Amulet
- Celestial Bearbarian Belt
- Celestial Bearbarian Boots
- Celestial Bearbarian Cloak
- Celestial Bearbarian Headdress
- Celestial Bearbarian Mask
- Celestial Swashbuckler Belt
- Celestial Swashbuckler Cloak
- Celestial Swashbuckler Sword
- Chaotic Scythe
- Charlie's Agents Shovel
- Cheeken Axe
- Cheekirdle
- Cheekrescent
- Chocomancer Belt
- Chtelion Bow
- Cinati Root
- Citrus Daggers
- Claw's Jigsaw Amulet
- Clearing Balgourde
- Clementine Amulet
- Clementine Boots
- Clergy Wand
- Clever Axe
- Coal Dreggheadgear
- Colousses Boots
- Colousses Scalp
- Com Bow
- Concentration Boots
- Copper Nickus Ring
- Copperbeard Helm
- Copperbeard Mace
- Copperbeard Ring
- Corrupted Bow
- Count Razof's Belt
- Count Razof's Helmet
- Count Razof's Slippers
- Crack Axe
- Crackler Pendant
- Crashers
- Creizy-Stufh Wand
- Crocobelt
- Crocobur
- Crocoburio's Spirit
- Cromigmite
- Crushed Velvet Cape
- Cryochrone Amulet
- Cryochrone Helmet
- Cryochrone Ring
- Crystal Bow
- Cute Koutoulou Pendant
- Cuttings
- Cycloid Amulet
- Cycloid Boots
- Cycloid Ring
- Cycloptic Helmet
- Daggero's Red Necklace
- Dark Treechnid Root Wand
- Dark Treeckler Belt
- Dark Treeckler Branch
- Dark Treeckler Mask
- Dark Treering
- Dark Treestaff
- Dark Vlad Sword
- Deadly Night Cape
- Death of the Centoror
- Dodge's Audacity
- Dolmanax
- Domestisash
- Doozi Bow
- Dora
- Dora Bora
- Dragostess Hat
- Dreggon Axe
- Dreggon Boots
- Dreggon Daggers
- Dreggon Hammer
- Dremoan Boots
- Dremoan Cape
- Dremoan Helmet
- Drhossil Hammer
- Drown Ring
- Dust Kickers