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- A Lost Glucause
- Abominable Snow Yiti
- Aboub
- Aboub The Antisocial
- Aboub The Social
- Acrocat
- Aerdala Guard (monster)
- Aerial Pandikaze
- Aermyne 'Braco' Scalptaras
- Aerogoburius the Malicious
- Aeroktor the Warrior
- Affectionate Hurtful Locker
- Aggressive Arachnee
- Aggressive Boar
- Aggressive Moumouse
- Aggressive Perfidhius
- Aggressive Skeleton Wabbit
- Air Pandawashu Disciple
- Air Pikoko
- Air Spark
- Akornaddikt the Squirrel
- Akwadala Guard
- Al Howin
- Al Howin Gobball
- Al Howin Tofu
- Alabaster Dreggon
- Alert Black Dragoss
- Alert Black Dreggon
- Alert Golden Dragoss
- Alert Golden Dreggon
- Alert Sapphire Dragoss
- Alert Sapphire Dreggon
- Alert White Dragoss
- Alert White Dreggon
- Alka Traz
- Allisteria (monster)
- Alyeena
- Ambusher
- Aminita
- Amlub
- Amlub The Gravedigger
- Amlub The Protector
- Amorphid
- Anatak Goldisk
- Ancestral Treechnid
- Anerice the Shushess
- Animated Gift
- Antrezure
- Apero Ghost
- Apewicubic Bearbarian
- Api Thief
- Aquabralak the Warrior
- Aqualikros the Merciless
- Arachkin
- Arachmutated
- Arachnausea
- Arachnee
- Arachnee (summon)
- Arachnid
- Arachnotron
- Araknawa
- Arepo Adventurer Ghost
- Armada the Invincible
- Armagudgeon
- Artempth Rose
- Artich Rogue
- As'Ruoy'Dnim
- Asploda
- Asteraw
- Atomystique
- Atooin Ghost (monster)
- Azra Lazarus (monster)
- Baby Prez
- Bacterrible
- Balloon
- Bambooto
- Bandijd
- Barbakle
- Barbrossa
- Barkritter
- Barley Scarecrow
- Barrel
- Bartyclank
- Bashillus
- Bass Devourer
- Batofu
- Bauxite Crackrock
- Bear
- Beardrammer
- Bearendizer
- Beaztinga
- Beeteloot
- Beginner Cannon Dorf
- Belin
- Belladonna
- Berybell Copperbeard
- Bestial Brockhard
- Bethel Akarna
- Bewitched Ash
- Bewitched Aspen
- Bewitched Bamboo
- Bewitched Bombu
- Bewitched Cherry
- Bewitched Chestnut
- Bewitched Dark Bamboo
- Bewitched Ebony
- Bewitched Elm
- Bewitched Hazel
- Bewitched Holy Bamboo
- Bewitched Hornbeam
- Bewitched Kaliptus
- Bewitched Maple
- Bewitched Oak
- Bewitched Oliviolet
- Bewitched Walnut
- Bewitched Yew
- Bidoo
- Big Caniascal
- Bigbit
- Bigheera
- Birthday Imp
- Black and Pink Knight (monster)
- Black Bow Wow Ghost (monster)
- Black Crow
- Black Dragoss
- Black Gobball
- Black Gobbly
- Black Rat
- Black Scaraleaf
- Black Tiwabbit
- Black Tiwabbitus
- Black Tofu
- Black Wabbit
- Black Wo Wabbit
- Blam Stoker (monster)
- Blastofu
- Bliblido
- Bliblirect
- Bliblitch
- Bliblycerin
- Blimpboa (monster)
- Blimpristed (monster)
- Blodz Uker
- Blood Sucker
- Bloodthirsty Monster (monster)
- Bloodthirsty Runner
- Bloodthirsty Vampire
- Bloody Koalak