Weapons with neutral element damage.
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All items (557)
- Abatz Sword
- Aermyne's Rolling Pin
- Aga Dou's Lance
- Aggravating Daggers
- Agride
- Aj Taye Mace
- Al Howin's Sword
- Albueran Warrior Lance
- Ambusher-Up
- Amrothiline
- Ancestral Treechnid Splitter
- Andy War Sword
- Angel Bow
- Arch Bow
- Archaic Bow
- Archetypal Bow
- Archon's Bow
- Arkanum Bow
- Axe Cidental
- Axe of Lies
- Az'tech
- Badoul's Mane
- Bards' Hall
- Bearbaric Sword
- Beautiful Deceitful Daggers
- Ber Ed Stick
- Big Dakn Staff
- Billy-Ray's Daggers
- Birming Hammer
- Bitter Billhook
- Bitter Hammer
- Black Mel Root
- Black Rat Daggers
- Blarney Hammer
- Blessdags
- Blessed Water Diviner Wand
- Bloody Craft Knife
- Blord Warrior's Cursed Scythe
- Blord Warrior's Cursed Sword
- Bombu Cutter
- Bony Wand
- Boogey Wand
- Boulgourde of the Glades
- Bowfoon
- Bright Evening Star
- Brush of Oaths
- Bubotron Sword
- Buck Anear's Sabre
- Bushi'Bow
- Buzzard Bow
- Bwork Archer Bow
- Bwork Magus Staff
- Bworknroll's Scalpel
- Cake Shovel
- Calligraphy Brush
- Canni Blade
- Captain Chafer's Small Daggers
- Castr Hammer
- Catseye Bow
- Celestial Swashbuckler Sword
- Cerberus
- Chafer Archer Bow
- Chakra Style
- Chaotic Scythe
- Cherry Splitter
- Chestnut Tree Eater
- Chiduc's Arc
- Chtelion Bow
- Citrus Daggers
- Clawettes
- Clergy Wand
- Clever Axe
- Cogito Hammer
- Contemporary Bow
- Copperbeard Mace
- Corrupted Spear
- Crack Axe
- Craft Knife
- Crashbang Staff
- Creizy-Stufh Wand
- Crick Hammer
- Crimson Claw
- Croblade
- Crocobur
- Crocodyl Chief Blade
- Cruel Trovel
- Crystal Staff-Ball
- Dagger Doo
- Dagger Manic
- Dagger O'Hair
- Daggero's Staff
- Daggers Sives
- Dagguise
- Daguiero's Daggers
- Dakn Staff
- Dame Zel Axe
- Dark Miner Shovel
- Dark Treestaff
- Dark Vlad Sword
- Darsson's Axe
- Dasguised
- Day'inda Knife
- Deceitful Daggers
- Deflower Staff
- Dha's Mace
- Dha's Small Mace
- Dha's Solid Mace
- Dha's Unbreakable Mace
- Director Grunob's Scythe
- Disast Root
- Dontase Mebro Shovel
- Doozi Bow
- Dorado Shovel
- Doudish Shovel
- Dragoturkey Capturing Net
- Draught Bow
- Draugur Chafer Hammer
- Earlik Branch
- Ecaflip Paw(1)
- Ecaflip Paw(2)
- Ecaflip Paw(3)
- Ecaflip Paw(4)
- Elemental Soul Stone
- Elorie Entuwan's Cruel Daggers
- Elven Shovel
- Elya Wood's Wand
- Emment Daggers
- Eternal Wand
- Ethical Wand
- Ethnologist Wand
- Eurfolles Daggers
- Evening Razor
- Evening Star
- Excellent Iron Wand
- Excellent Kings' Staff
- Exuberant Sword
- Gaga Daggers
- Gallows of Ephedrya
- Geishax
- Giger's Nightmare Blade
- Gilbert G. Rapier
- Gob-Trotter Blade
- Gobball Horn Bow
- Gobball Master Staff
- Gobbly Killer Apprentice Daggers
- God Rod
- Golden Rhizome
- Goultard
- Granny Candy's Stick
- Great Aj Taye Mace
- Great Buzzard Bow
- Great Coralator Mace
- Great Craft Knife
- Great Crystal Staff-Ball
- Great Dagguise
- Great Ha Sword
- Great Holy Sword
- Great Hour Wand
- Great Iron Wand
- Great Kings' Staff
- Great Knight Sword
- Great Leafy Staff
- Great Mishmashovel
- Great Outar Hammer
- Great Pushn Shovel
- Great Rowler Blade
- Great Scraping Hammer
- Great Scratchy Shovel
- Great Sleeping Shovel
- Great Smithy Daggers
- Great Smithy Sword
- Great Sweet Gum Wand
- Great Twiggy Daggers
- Great Twiggy Staff
- Great Twiggy Sword
- Great Wisdom Wand
- Great Woukuis Shovel