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Crop Protector

Crop Protector is a monster.

Formerly known as Cereal Protector.

Each type of cereal has it's own Crop Protector. (See List of Crop Protectors)



Level Stats Resistance (%) Resistance (Linear) Resistance (Other)
HP AP MP Lock Neutral Resistance Earth Resistance Fire Resistance Water Resistance Air Resistance Neutral Resistance Earth Resistance Fire Resistance Water Resistance Air Resistance AP Parry MP Parry Critical Resistance Pushback Resistance
10 66 6 2 10 10 10 10 10
20 75 6 2 20 20 20 20 20
30 85 6 2 30 30 30 30 30
40 92 6 2 40 40 40 40 40
50 98 6 2 50 50 50 50 50



List of Crop Protectors[]

Image Name Bag of resources Rare Drop (Cereal)
Wheat Scarecrow Wheat Scarecrow Sack of Wheat Golden Wheat
Barley Scarecrow Barley Scarecrow Sack of Barley Sweet Barley
Oat Scarecrow Oat Scarecrow Sack of Oats Gold-Bearing Oats
Hop Scarecrow Hop Scarecrow Sack of Hops Bright Hop
Flax Scarecrow Flax Scarecrow Sack of Flax Storm Flax
Rice Scarecrow Rice Scarecrow Sack of Rice Riz Cola
Rye Scarecrow Rye Scarecrow Sack of Rye Resistant Rye
Malt Scarecrow Malt Scarecrow Sack of Malt Husse Malt
Hemp Scarecrow Hemp Scarecrow Sack of Hemp Euphoric Hemp
Corn Scarecrow Corn Scarecrow Sack of Corn Kornub
Millet Scarecrow Millet Scarecrow Sack of Millet Millet Nial
Frosteez Scarecrow Frosteez Scarecrow Sack of Frosteez Puffed Frosteez