Dofus Wiki
Quest Summary
Starting Talk to Kerub Crepin at [3,-17]
Level required 10
Other prerequisites
Recommended level 15
Max XP 19,769  at Level 200
Total rewards 505 Kamas, 4 Green Piwi Feather
Items required
(not provided by quest)
Sequel Shushu Shack, Kerub's Crib and Shu Polish

Domestic Matter is a quest.


Talk to Kerub Crepin at [3,-17].

The shop is closed for stocktaking, but feel free to have a look around and admire all the marvels I've accumulated over the years. Ahh, I really have sailed the seven seas and more. The World of Twelve holds no secrets for Kerub Crepin!
If you find any rare items on your travels, feel free to show me them. I might just be able to tell you a bit about where they come from!

Ask him if he's a Kerub Militiaman.

Not anymore. But I served in their ranks in my youth... It's actually thanks to one of my greatest armed attacks that the celestial militia got their name. Didn't know that, huh? Yep. Old Crepin here was one of the most popular heroes in Incarnam. But that was a long time ago...

Ask him how old he is.

Hey! How rude! Have I asked you what colour your pants are? Please. Don't reply. I don't want to carry such a revelation on my shoulders. I might be old enough to be your grampy, but I'm still in good shape. Two large glasses of Mimilk a day. That's the secret. You, however, aren't looking so good...

Assure him that you're in good health.

I see. You're the kind of person that doesn't look like anything special, but keeps your best weapons hidden away ready to surprise your opponent. I like that. Think you can take on all kinds of danger? I've got a capital mission for you. Come closer, I want to explain everything and anyone could be listening...

Get closer.

*murmur* You may not have noticed, but you're not in any ordinary house. Here, everything is magic, even the shop. And it can be kind of temperamental, especially when it comes to housekeeping...

Listen carefully.

Luis rules the roost around here. He's a powerful Shushu and if he knew what I was getting ready to do he'd no doubt send you falling down some stairs or something. But for now, he's sleeping so I'm seizing the moment.

Ask him what a Shushu is.

Oh, the youth of today. Always ready to scour the dungeons, but when it comes to learning, they don't want to know. A Shushu is a Shukrute inhabitant. A demon, if you prefer. Do you know Esra'Ruoy'Dnim? Well, they're not all as nasty as him but you get the gist. Right, where was I...?

Listen attentively.

Luis hates water. Being an Ecaflip, I can fully empathise. But he's also very ticklish. As soon as there's a bit of dusting to do, he'll create a right hoo-ha. He wriggles all over the place and the house ends up in a right state. So, I use a magical feather duster - that way I don't risk having all my artefacts falling on me!

Continue listening.

The Dustomatic cleans on its own, like the famous broom fine-tuned by that sorcerer's apprentice whose name I can't remember. It cleans from the floor to the ceiling, without using a drop of water. It's very practical. But there's a problem... That's where you come in.

Continue listening.

The Dustomatic isn't dusting properly. It needs to be refeathered. Don't worry, I'm not going to ask you to go running after Piwis. I'm not a barbarian! I've got almost everything I need to repair it myself, but I just need three particular feathers: a Sniffallrat Feather, a White Owl Feather and a Skribble Feather. Then, the Thaumaturgic will be back working through the night, dusting off my favourite books that I never move. Do you think you'll be able to bring me what I need?

Agree to help.

I knew I could count on you. Sniffallrats are used by Enutrofs to explore the Astrub Tunnels. I heard that they have been affected by a strange illness. Try to find one that isn't too sick. Owls are easy to sniff out. You probably know already that they're the bankers of these parts. As for the Skribble... I heard that Herdegrize used to kick around in Astrub so he's probably your answer to that one.
I'll wait for you here. Don't make too much noise on your way back through. Luis must not know that I'm going to be cleaning in the old traditional way.

Head off to look for the feathers.

Step 1: Domestic Matters[]

Although you're not the best at housework, you've agreed to help Kerub restore a magical feather duster. It might not seem as wonderful as repairing a broken legendary sword, but just you try to fight against dust with a legendary sword. If you're not a Iop, you'll realise quite early on that you're probably not going to win!

The 3 feathers can be collected in any order.

Enter the Astrub Mine at [1,-17] and speak to the Tofu NPC named Gaztronom.


Get ready to fight it and pinch a feather in the process. (Starts a fight)

A fight will start against Gaztronom. The Sniffallrat Tofu Feather is a 100% drop; all players on the same step will receive it.
If you haven't received the book The Greatest Adventure of All Time, you'll need to go through that dialog first.

Adventurers who stay in Astrub ought to work on their elocution. Their dialect can be impossible to understand...and there's nothing like clear speech for a clear head! I might make that the topic of my next book.

Ask him for a feather.

Oh, all these fans! Always wanting the slightest sliver of trimmed toenail, the smallest claw clipping, whatever knick-knack belonged to their idol... I'm sometimes weary of all that. Fame is such a drag!

Shamelessly flatter him.

You have an eye for recognising those with talent. When I look at you, I think of how difficult it must be to live in ignorance and grime. You're sincere, and I like that. Here, take this feather. Cherish it like it were your greatest treasure.

Foully say thank you before leaving.
  • Go and see one of the Astrub bankers  [4,-18]
Talk to Bryn Asablack inside the bank.

Hmph... Are you depositing or withdrawing?

Reply that you're here to fleece him.

The only person allowed to do that kind of withdrawal is my wife, and you don't look anything like her. I'm not in the mood to joke about today; I have the worst migraine. Get out of here before I ask my friend Snori Nairb to kick you out.

Apologise and decide to speak to Snori Nairb.
If you choose the Insist. option, you'll be teleported to [5,-16].

Stop there. I watch over this city so no funny business or it's straight to prison without passing go, capisci?

Ask about Bryn Asablack.

He's one of the most notable and distinguished owls in town. Don't make him angry, or you might end up with a blocked bank account, or be condemned to gardening with Goblins. He's especially grumpy today after what his wife did to him last night in front of everyone at the inn.

Ask him what happened.

Mrs. Asablack showed up, rolling her eyes. When she saw that her husband was in the inn with his friends, she attacked him with a broom, ripping out loads of his feathers in the process. She was furious.

Say thank you and head to the tavern.
Enter the tavern, head up the stairs, and click on the broom to receive White Owl Feather.
Domestic Matter Broom
Hand over the three feathers.

Perfect. The Dustomatic will soon be as good as new. You don't want to work for the house, do you? You'd get a soft bed and Mimilk rations. What do you say? You'd rather run around the World on the hunt for Dofus? That's fair enough. Thanks for your help all the same. Please do come back and visit from time to time, won't you?

Say goodbye and leave.
You will lose all 3 feathers.


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