Dofus Wiki
Icon Evolution
Class Foggernaut
Level 3
Element N/A
Type Buff
Official description Unlocks new spells for the targeted turret, allows it to attack several targets and increases its range. Heals the targeted turret if it receives an evolution. Increases targeted allies' Power.

Spell Properties[]

Linear Diagonal Line of Sight
Free Squares Boost Range Global CD

Spell Characteristics[]

Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown.

Lvl Effect Crit AP Ra Critical Casts per Cd Caster
Hit Fail Tgt Trn
1 100% (HP Restored)
+60% Power(2 turns)
- 2 3-4 - - - - 2 3
2 100% (HP Restored)
+70% Power(2 turns)
- 2 3-5 - - - - 2 3
3 100% (HP Restored)
+80% Power(2 turns)
- 2 3-6 - - - - 2 3
4 100% (HP Restored)
+90% Power(2 turns)
- 2 3-7 - - - - 2 3
5 100% (HP Restored)
+100% Power(2 turns)
- 2 3-8 - - - - 2 3
6 100% (HP Restored)
+150% Power(2 turns)
- 2 3-10 - - - - 2 103


When a turret is evolved, that turret's HP is restored to 100%. If the turret is already in Evolution III then it is not healed.

The bonus to Power is only applied to allied characters, not to turrets.

If a turret is evolved into Evolution III, all other turrets owned by that Foggernaut are reset to Evolution I. Evolving any of these other turrets will reset the Evolution III turret back to Evolution I. However, multiple turrets can be in Evolution II at the same time.

Using Evolution on an ally to increase their Power will not cause a Evolution III turret to revert back to Evolution I.

Multiple Foggernauts:

It should be noted that each individual Foggernaut is limited to one turret at Evolution III.

Meaning that if there was, for example, two Foggernauts on a team, one could have a Harpooner (summon) at Evolution III, while the other has their Lifesaver (summon) at Evolution III as well.

It is also possible to evolve an ally Foggernaut's turrets without it effecting your own.
