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Quest Summary
Starting Talk to Manala at [-34,-42]
Level required 50
Other prerequisites
Recommended level 60
Max XP 290,520  at Level 200
Total rewards 4,780 Kamas, 3 Plisskenskin
Items required
(not provided by quest)
Sequel None

Field Good Inc. is a quest.


Talk to Manala at [-34,-42] in the Cania Plains.

I'm bored! Say, could you draw me a Gobball? Take me to Bonta? Are we going to Moon? My mama and papa aren't here any more, their boat journey is very long. So I'm waiting here on my own. Can we play together?

Agree to play with her.

Sweet! I'd like to play with the shell that makes Mother murmur in my ear, but I don't know where it is. So you need to find the castles. Yeah, the giant castles to the north and south; the clues to find where the shell's are hidden are in there, you'll have to search them! You'll manage, won't you?

Find out more about these castles.

There are two superb castles on the plain beaches, one to the north and the other to the south. They're really nice, and they protect the beach from big nasty fish! But my papa's not here to continue building them, so I need you to search them and find the shell so I can talk to Mother. Got it?

Say that you have enough information, and leave.

Step 1: Field Good Inc.[]

Little Manala has been waiting for her parents to return from a boat trip for a long time. It's up to you to keep her busy while they're gone.
  • Inspect the castle to the north to find the Shell of Murmurs.   [-39,-49]
You find a pebble with the following written on it:"Between ....................., extends .................. plank ........ until it's surrounded ...................."
  • Inspect the castle to the south to find the Shell of Murmurs.   [-31,-38]
You find a pebble with the following written on it:"......... the castles, .............. the bitten .............. and goes on and on .................................... by the waves"
  • Find the Shell of Murmurs
The two inscriptions on the shell can be combined to say: "Between the castles, extends the bitten plank, and goes on and on until it's surrounded by the waves." Go to [-36,-43] and click on the sharp rock.
You search the area for any information you could gather, and find a shell hidden under a rock!
  • Take 1 Shell of Murmurs to Manala   [-34,-42]
Hand over the Shell of Murmurs.

Yesss! Great, the shell. You're the best! *puts it to her ear* Hello? Hello? Mother, are you there?

Ask why she didn't simply collect a shell laying around on the beach.

Because that shell's magic! My mama told me loads of stories about ladies who came from the sea, and who lived with the people on the land, but sometimes they had to go back into the sea. She also told me that shells know everything, seeing how they can make the sea talk, and the sea knows everything, Shall we play something else?

Ask what she wants to do.

My mama talked to me about people who can transform into an animal thanks to a magical skin cape, but I can't remember which animal it was... do you know what it was?

Ask for more information about the animal in question.

I think it's smooth, crawls on the floor because it can't walk, but it's not a fish.

Ask him(?) whether it's... a larva?

Hmm, I'm not sure, but it might be that. Anyway, I like them! Could you find me a biiiiiig Larva Skin, then make sure I can make a nice cape out of it? Oh, pleeeease! *gives you a sweet, big-eyed look*

Comply with the request.

There are plenty of larvae in the fields behind the house; you'll have to find the biggest ones, because otherwise the skin won't be big enough, and I won't be able to play with it, which sucks. Once you've got the big skin, you just need to go to Bonta and see the people who make shorts, who can turn it into a really nice cape!

Set off to find big larvae.
  • Get a Large Plains Larva Skin and take it to a tailor.   [-33,-54]
For this step you must defeat a Plains Larva and drop a Large skin. Not just any Plains Larva, but the biggest Plains Larva (Level 64) you can find. Afterwards, take the larva skin to Paro Cabanne at [-33,-54].
Show the Large Plains Larva Skin and ask them to make a cape out of it.

What a gaudy color! It's enough to make all your hair stand on end... And it's a difficult material to work with, seeing its surface. I can make something out of it for you, but it will cost you an arm and a leg, and you need a special kind of cord to sew something like this.

Ask what it is and where to find the cord.

It's a Bill & Kall Cord. They're uncommonly resistant, but can only be used with very specific materials: those meant to be chewed by infants, for example... hmmm... *concentrates for a while* I believe there's still some at the grocer's. It's not common, but you should be able to find some there. Come back and see me when you have it, and we can talk about the cost of your... cape.

Thank her and head to the grocer's.
  • Go to the shop and ask for a Bill & Kall Cord.
Go to [-33,-57] inside the door to the top-right and talk to Connie Vini.
Ask to buy a Bill & Kall Cord.

That's really unfortunate; I've sold the last ones I had to a merchant who was headed to Astrub! It's been a little while already. You should go talk to Cheeka at the exit of Bonta. She's the one who supervises the merchant convoys. I'm sure she'll be able to help you find the buyer. Sorry again for the bother. Don't hesitate to come back and see me any time you need anything at all.

Thank her and leave.
Ask them to stop the convoy that just left.

Stopping a convoy in progress is out of the question. It will drastically increase the probability of it being attacked by bandits, and therefore losing materials. It's unthinkable. Why would want to do that? Are you a bandit, that it? *the guards around her start looking at you suspiciously*

Reassure them and mention the fact that you need a Bill & Kall Cord.

I see. But I still won't stop the convoy. *the guards stop paying attention* Did you come all this way just for the cord? Interesting, because I just bought one hoping to sell it for more than I paid for it here in Bonta. What would you be willing to do to get it?

Say that you're willing to help out.

Very well, do me a favour and clear out the animals in a few of these fields. They wander all over the route and block the circulation of merchandise. These vermin are always after the food shipments, and it makes more work for the workers, who then demand better pay. Inconceivable. Go reduce the number of Serpentines, Beaztingas, Field Larvae, and Green Mice, and then we'll talk about you Bill & Kall Cord, seeing as how it's so important.

Leave to stabilise the local population.
  • Talk to Cheeka again   [-29,-46]
Announce that the field animals should be less bothersome for a while.

Very good, I see that you upheld your part of the bargain. I like people like you. Here's you Bill & Kall Cord. Don't get too attached to it though. That sort of thing doesn't last long...

Thank her and leave.
Give them the cord.

Once more my prediction has come true. My powers never fail. Let's see, the slightly larger Larva Skin, and the Bill & Kall Cord... that will be 10,000 kamas, no more, no less. And don't bother trying to haggle the price: I'm the only one around here capable of doing this sort of work. I hope that you really need this cape, because you're investing a lot to get it.

Refuse to pay such a sum.

It's a shame to have come all this way and have all the necessary ingredients for the cape for nothing.

Say that the cape was for a little girl in the Cania Fields.

Oh. Manala. You know her then? Poor child. You should have said that right away.

Question their change in tone.

Didn't you know? Obviously, she couldn't explain. Some weeks before that, a strong storm started during a starry night, for no apparent reason. Manala's mother, Eikles, went out alone on the ocean, oblivious to the danger. But her husband, Etlec, saw her from far away and rushed to try and bring her back with his boat. Come dawn, the debris of his boat covered the region's beaches, no doubt wrecked in the storm. Neither of the two came back, and all this happened before the eyes of Manala's older brother. Now he protects his sister from the sad truth and works hard to be able to provide for all her needs; however, that means he can rarely be with her.

Say that, indeed, you didn't know the real story.

I can't make you pay for it. Forget the 10,000 kamas. *turns, casts a spell, gestures, and after only a few moments, comes back with the cape* Here's you cape. It's not very big, but it will do quite nicely for a child. And don't you worry about Manala, because her brother watches over her, even on the darkest nights.

Thank her for the gesture and leave.
  • Take 1 Coquette Plains Cape to Manala   [-34,-42]
Give Manala the cape.

Awesome, it's the best cape in the world, you're great! *puts on the cape and starts running and jumping around all over the place, smiling ear to ear* But seeing as you've been helping me for a while now, don't you want some things as well? People who come by the fields are often looking for expee, but I don't have any expee!

Ask what they suggest then.

It's a secret, but I know where my brother hides all his treasure, hehe. You could go to his secret hideout and take something, if you promise you won't say anything to him!

Ask where the secret hideout is.

My brother's really useless at hide and seek, so it's really not hard to find. If you go to the right of the house, you'll come across it!

Thank them for the time you spent together and say goodbye.
  • Inspect the Secret Hideout
The secret hideout can be found at [-32,-42]. Upon attempting to enter the hideout you will be greeted with the message: It's repeatedly written that the area is private and under the jurisdiction of the city of Bonta, and that you must see Captain Malfe Eikles at the Bonta Outpost for any special requests.
Say that you found a document near a secret hideout and that it mentioned their name.

Yes indeed, this "secret" hideout belong to me, although the "secret" part seems to be rather subjective. What were you doing there?

Say that Manala suggested you go have a look.

Cheeky monkey, always getting into mischief behind my back. You met her then? Was she well?

Say what you did and that you're aware of what happened to them.

I see. I don't know how to thank you for having spent time with her. It's a luxury I unfortunately can't allow myself. Every day I pass with the weight of my parents' disappearance on my back is hard to live, and I don't think Manala is ready to learn the truth. She always liked discovering things and travelling; I'm working as hard as I can to let her tour the world. Travelling from Frigost's frozen bergs to Pandala's verdant forests should open her mind and make her strong enough to handle the truth. Thank you again (character name). I hope these savings will let you add value to the time you spend with my sister.

Thank him and leave.


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