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NPC Details
Area Incarnam
Foreman Ikure
Location Incarnam Inn
Coords [4,3]
Details Outside Incarnam Inn
Options Talk

Foreman Ikure is an NPC.



Is it my boss sending you? He's a bit stressed out but nice. What can I do for you?

I would like to learn a profession.

This is right. I'm showing all our employees the basis. There's a lot to be done in this farm. Tell me, what are you interested in?

I really feel like I was born to be a fisherman.

You're patient, aren't you? Well, you'll become patient if you practice some more. It's an extremely useful profession to feed yourself while relaxing. Do you want a fishing rod and some advice to start with?

Yes. I've got a fish hook and bait. Let's go fish!

Here. Now you know everything you need to know to start. Go and see the boss. He'll give you work to do.

Is there anything else you could teach me?

Many other professions exist, but I only happen to know these. If you want to learn the others, you'll have to travel round the world and find other masters. There are some famous ones in Astrub.

I'm interested in the Lumberjack profession.

Lumberjack? Well, you need an expert eye and you must be willing to travel. Good trees are rare. Besides, you must preserve forests. A lot of craft industries are born from this profession. Yes really... Can you think of something that's not made out of wood? So, shall we start?

We're in agreement. I want to start my Lumberjack career.

Here. Now you know everything you need to know to start. Go and see the boss. He'll give you work to do.

Tell me how to become a farmer.

Every society relies on its agriculture system for which the farmers are responsible. Sowing, harvesting, maintaining the soils fertile are as many tasks that the farmers are responsible for. Being a farmer is a noble profession, it feeds numerous persons. Shall I start teaching you how to harvest cereals?

I roll up my sleeve and let's do it!

Here. Now you know everything you need to know to start. Go and see the boss. He'll give you work to do.

Do you know the secrets of alchemy?

Sure, but let's not get carried away. Before you can actually concoct powerful potions, you must collect all the ingredients. Shall I show you how to do it?

I'll follow you. Soon, the secrets of alchemy will be mine!

Here. Now you know everything you need to know to start. Go and see the boss. He'll give you work to do.

Nothing, thanks. I'll leave you to your work.


Features in


Teaches profession

