Dofus Wiki
NPC Details
Area Sufokia Bay
Hal Ions
Location Alliance Temple
Coords [13,35]
Options Talk, Exchange

Hal Ions is an NPC.



Hello, (Yourname), and welcome to the Alliance Temple. As its name suggest, this is where guild leaders come to create alliances.
My job is to teach people the different roles used during alliance wars and battles for territory. If you belong to an alliance and wish to learn a new role, all you need to do is ask.

Find more about the roles.

The roles revolve around the use of potions so unique and specific that they can completely alter the outcome of a battle. Out on the battlefield, you can only ever have one role at a time. The powers at play are so complex that adventurers of your caliber can only truly master one power at once, which is why you must come to me if you wish to change. You will have to wait ten minutes or so in between role changes, so think carefully before each decision.

Find out more about the role of Undertaker.

The Undertaker frees souls from enemy tombs, preventing them from being brought back to life by a Healer. The freed souls can no longer take part in the conquest battle in which they were felled.

Choose to be an Undertaker.

Congratulations! You have learnt the basics of the Undertaker role. Trust me, that's enough to be getting on with, and besides, I have plenty of other people to see today. Now run along and have fun with your new toy.

Find out about the role of Healer.

The Healer leans over the tombs of the fallen allies and allows them to rise again in the same spot and rejoin the battle.

Choose to be a Healer.

Congratulations! You have learnt the basics of the Healer role. Trust me, that's enough to be getting on with, and besides, I have plenty of other people to see today. Now run along and have fun with your new toy.

Find out about the role of Sentinel.

The Sentinel launches automatic, indiscriminate attacks on any enemy within range.

Choose to be a Sentinel.

Congratulations! You have learnt the basics of the Sentinel role. Trust me, that's enough to be getting on with, and besides, I have plenty of other people to see today. Now run along and have fun with your new toy.


Give To get
20 Prism of Conquest 1 Alliance Prism
5 Plantouflage Potion 1 Undertaker Potion
5 Rockouflage Potion 1 Undertaker Potion
2 Barrouflage Potion 1 Undertaker Potion
2 Small Attack Potion 1 Sentinel Potion
2 Stoolouflage Potion 1 Undertaker Potion
2 Tombouflage Potion 1 Undertaker Potion
2 Trashouflage Potion 1 Undertaker Potion
1 Average Attack Potion 1 Sentinel Potion
1 Great Mass Healing Potion 2 Healer Potion
1 Great Phoenix Blood 6 Healer Potion
1 Immobile Camouflage Potion 1 Undertaker Potion
1 Incredible Mass Healing Potion 4 Healer Potion
1 Large Attack Potion 1 Sentinel Potion
1 Liberation Potion 2 Undertaker Potion
1 Mass Healing Potion 2 Healer Potion
1 Phoenix Blood 1 Healer Potion
1 Small Mass Healing Potion ?
1 Total Camouflage Potion 3 Undertaker Potion


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