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Dofus Wiki
NPC Details
Area Wabbit Islands
High Noon Wabbit
Location Cawwot Island
Coords (24,-6)
Options Talk

High Noon Wabbit is an NPC. Formerly known as Wabbit of the high noon.



Whouuuuuu Ahhhh Whooaauuu!
I'm the tewwific Wabbit of the High Noon, fatal cwossing of the mowning and the evening... Know this, young one, I feaw nothing ... If I give you the key it's only because I like you vewy much... Don't think that I'm afwaid of that huge weapon hanging down fwom youw belt... That has nothing to do with it...

Take the key.
Oh wats, so this is awkwawd... The key must have slipped out of my pocket when I was wunning aftew one of those cwetinous Tiwabbits. No need to look so angwy, fwiend... One day we'll look back on this and laugh! Listen, go and twack down some Tiwabbits youwself and shake them awound - I bet you'll find the key that way.


Features in


You can easily get to High Noon Wabbit from (23,-6) or through the burrow at (25,-6).
