Dofus Wiki
NPC Details
Area Frigost Island
Jamie Coggut
Location The Tears of Ouronigride
Coords [-68,-85]
Options Talk

Jamie Coggut is an NPC.



I'm delighted to see you again, truly.
Did you think about my proposals?
If you've lost your Dragoturkey or if your other half has left you - and that I can understand - I can get them back in 46 hours.
I can prepare some seeds to make your beans stronger and longer, or enchant your amulet to warn you when your mother-in-law is in the vicinity. I can't do anything about your ugly mug, but I know a good tailor who can make you a beautiful mask.
I can increase your skill at gambling, including against Ecaflips, and even make your hair grow back. Just ask, and I, Jamie Coggut, will be happy to help, for a nominal fee.


Features in


Jamie appears during the quest Low-Cost Heating, and will remain there after you've finished the quest.
