Dofus Wiki
Kanazure Set

Kanazure Set is a Set.

Kanazure Set Pieces[]

This list is automatically generated from existing pages, all edits should be done on the corresponding page.

Name Level Effects Conditions Recipe
Kanazure Belt

Kanazure Belt


  • None
Kanazure Cloak

Kanazure Cloak


  • None
Kanazure Ring

Kanazure Ring


  • None

Kanazure Set Bonus[]

2 items equipped
3 items equipped

Kanazure Set Total Effects[]

Characteristics Offense Defense Miscellaneous


To craft all pieces of this set you will need:

Amount Item
80 Bigheera Chain
48 Kanazure Ear
43 Felygiene Claw
35 Alyeena Hair
30 Lichangoro Broken Blade
21 Mysterious Fabric
12 Kanigrula Fur
12 Kannihilator Mane
8 Alyeena Face
8 Kanazure Fabric
8 Orfan Buckle
6 Hell Mina's Unruly Lock
5 Radiant Pebble
5 Sphincter Cell Femur
2 Drhossil Tusk
1 Tynril Amber