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Lektor Set is a Set.
Lektor Set Pieces[]
This list is automatically generated from existing pages, all edits should be done on the corresponding page.
Name | Level | Effects | Conditions | Recipe |
Lektor's Amulet |
41 |
Lektor's Boots |
43 |
Lektor's Ring |
42 |
Lektor Set Bonus[]
2 items equipped
- 20 Vitality
- 3 Damage
- 100 Initiative
- 3 Damage reflect
3 items equipped
- 30 Vitality
- 1 MP
- 5 Damage
- 200 Initiative
- 5 Damage reflect
Lektor Set Total Effects[]
Characteristics | Offense | Defense | Miscellaneous |
To craft all pieces of this set you will need: