Ah! I'm sure you want to enter this maze and know what kind of treasures it hides! I know well all the creatures that are hiding in there as I'm one of the best archeologist of this vast island. Some say that's because I'm the only one but it's not completely right. If I'm the only one it's because the others were so bad that they got lost in the maze. Hehehe. Well, what do you want to know?
To get in, you'll need a key and I'm the only one to have it. And believe me, there's no way I'll give it in to tourists! Sort it out yourself! However, I believe a skilled Handyman can help you make a key enabling you to enter this maze using resources from local creatures.... But be careful, a dreadful curse is still rife in this maze. Everyone who enters this maze suffers from memory loss and usually forgets where they last saved their position. Therefore, recall potions are useless if you want to get out of this maze. But don't worry, I'll be your guide during this trip and if you get lost, I'll be able to help you find the exit!
End dialogue.
Inside Slab Room:
But what are you doing here, my good man? You are in the Minotoror's Maze, and as all the other adventurers who came here before you, you're going to get lost. Don't count on me to come pick you up! What can I do for you?
Ask for information about this maze
It's a very complicated maze, so list to me carefully! You must be on one of these slabs to enter the corresponding room. The maze counts 25 rooms which form a square. When hitting the switch you won't open the doors of your room, but the doors of the room next to yours. Therefore you'll need to have other adventurers with you for them to open your doors while you open theirs. Easy, isn't it?
Ask for more information
I can see you didn't quite get it... Fortunately you've got a map to find your way around. So, you'll have to use it to get things organized with your teammates. Right, I forgot to tell you that you won't make it iif you're alone. You'll have to have many other adventurers with you if you want to progress in this terrible maze. When you're inside the maze, you'll note that each door and switch has a color code.
Ask for more information
You seem to be lost already... and yet it's so easy! I feel like I've come across another dumb tourist! What you need to know is that I can take you back to your starting point whenever you feel lost. One of your teammates may have to go visit the cemetery of this dungeon to let the rest of the group evolve...
End dialogue.
Get out of this maze
Alright. I'll help you get out of here. You can keep the key. You'll need it if you ever want to come back. But before you leave, I must give you a new saved position as the curse of the Minotoror seems to have made you forget certain things. So, let me see.... The room of the sisters Korkule?... Too dangerous.... The Bimd'Oule Pit?... Too deep.... The giant belly of Sarlack?... Too humid.... So, I'll give you the Zaap of the Castle of Amakna. And consider yourself fortunate that I'm taking you to the exit.
Get out
Inside maze:
You got lost already? Hahaha! I could have predicted this when you first turned up! I knew you wouldn't be able to find your way in this maze of rooms. Fortunately, I can help you go back to the slab room if you want.
Go back to the slab room
Inside Central Room:
At last... you almost reached the center of this maze. The least we can say is that you took your time! I get this feeling that you didn't get any of my explanations! Well... What can I do for you?
The Minotoror is a terrible legendary creature that can squash a Plucked Kirball under his hoofs! Rumor has it he eats Tofus and likes to throw them in his enemies' faces. I've already fought the Minotoror when I was younger but I can't remember it... I was drunk and the only witnesses disappeared in this maze forever. If you want to confront this terrible creature, you'll have to find relics: that of the Mumminotor and the Deminoball. These two creatures usually stroll in the rooms around this one but be careful they're even more bad-tempered than you!
End dialogue.
After defeating the Minotoror:
Woah! Honestly, I'm very impressed! You managed to defeat this terrible creature! How lucky are you! I can't believe someone like you, capable of getting lost in such a simple maze, can actually bring down a Minotoror. However, I'm sure you wouldn't survive a minute if you were to face the real master, that it the Minotot! Anyway... So, what do you want me to do for you now?
Ahaha... You don't know the Minotot? Where on earth do you come from? You remind me of all these dummies who've never been to the Sea Nekure or who've never climbed up the Church Hill. Please, tell me you're not one of them! Hum.... Anyway.... For your information, the Minotot is the real master of the house, the Minotoror is just his faithful disciple. The Minotoror uses brute force whereas the Minotot uses a powerful destructive magic. I'm the only one to have defeated him once, a long time ago.... so long ago that I can't even remember it.... actually, no one can. If you still want to confront this creature, you'll have to bring me the key to the room. In my opinion, only a skilled Handyman will be able to help you create such a key
End dialogue.
After defeating the Minotot:
I really can't believe it! How did you manage to defeat, alone, the one, the only, the terrible, the feared and smelly: Minotot! Anyhow, it's time for you to get out of here. I must hnestly tell you that you're a very boring person. Follow me. We're going back to the slab room!
Follow Lorkos
Alright. I'll help you get out of here. You can keep the key. You'll need it if you ever want to come back. But before you leave, I must give you a new saved position as the curse of the Minotoror seems to have made you forget certain things. So, let me see.... The room of the sisters Korkule?... Too dangerous.... The Bimd'Oule Pit?... Too deep.... The giant belly of Sarlack?... Too humid.... So, I'll give you the Zaap of the Castle of Amakna. And consider yourself fortunate that I'm taking you to the exit.