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Merkator is a boss monster.



Level Characters Stats Resistance (%) Resistance (Linear) Resistance (Other)
HP AP MP Lock Neutral Resistance Earth Resistance Fire Resistance Water Resistance Air Resistance Neutral Resistance Earth Resistance Fire Resistance Water Resistance Air Resistance AP Parry MP Parry Critical Resistance Pushback Resistance
220 4 13,000 20 5 100 14 27 16 22 12 0 0 0 0 0 70 100 0 0
220 5 15,000 20 5 100 14 27 16 22 12 0 0 0 0 0 70 100 0 0
220 6 16,000 20 5 100 14 27 16 22 12 0 0 0 0 0 70 100 0 0
220 7 18,000 20 5 100 14 27 16 22 12 0 0 0 0 0 70 100 0 0
220 8 19,000 20 5 100 14 27 16 22 12 0 0 0 0 0 70 100 0 0


  • Ice Ageing: Cast in melee: deals about 1000 water damage and reduces the target's vitality by 30% for 1 turn. Cast twice per turn.
  • Bronze Agent: The spell has a linear range of 1-3 and a linear AoE of 5 cells, a bit similar to Playful Claw of Ecaflips. Thus, the max. range is 7. It deals about 1000 earth damage. Cast once per turn. Each time Merkator is hit, the base damage of Bronze Agent is increased by 30 for 1 turn (stackable once? twice?)
  • Low Tide: Automatic spell when Merkator starts his turn, cast only on uneven turns starting from turn 3: Any summons/characters linear to Merkator (infinite range) are attracted into melee range with Merkator and lose 3 MP, dodgeable
  • Mouth to Mouth: The spell has an initial cooldown and thus can only be cast from turn 7 on. Then, the cooldown is 5 so the spell is always cast on turns 7, 12, 17, 22 and so on. It revives the monster that died last with 50% vitality. The revival needs no LoS and has a range of 6. Merkator prefers to summon the monster directly next to a summon/character if he starts the respective turn on a range of 7 or lower with a summon/character, or towards a certain character. If all characters are in the same direction however, he will normally summon it right next to him. It's still a bit random though.


Name Base Drop Rate Conditions
Merkator's Beard 15% None
Merkator's Heart 1.5% None
Gigantic Heart Box 100% Quest


All enemies, even the ones that Merkator revives, are unmovable for the whole fight. The monsters automatically cast the spell Sea Yousoun at the beginning of their turn which has 3 different effects: characters/summons in melee range of the monster are instakilled, enemies in melee range receive around 700 water damage and enter the "Small Fry" state for 2 turns. Merkator himself does NOT apply the instakill effect! All entities in a range of exactly 2 from the monster are healed by 20% of their max. HP. Any attempt to remove MP from an enemy makes them cast a spell that inflicts around 500 fire life steal. This can be lowered by fire resistance.

How to make Merkator vulnerable?

As of Update 2.42 Merkator is no longer in the invulnerable state. However, ranged damage on Merkator is reduced and he gains 2% damage every time he's hit in range.

He still revives defeated monsters.

Seperate mechanic to move enemies in Merkator

The monsters cannot be moved at all by normal means, however there is a mechanic which allows in fact to move them. It's very specific and limited, so it will be rarely of great use. This mechanic triggers when an enemy is hit in melee: all characters/summons and other enemies linearly and diagonally from the hit monster are pushed back (range?). On the contrary, if the hit monster is in the "Small Fry" state, the push back effect becomes an attraction effect instead.
