Dofus Wiki
NPC Details
Area Astrub
Nash Nulrail
Location Astrub Forest
Coords [0,-18]
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Nash Nulrail is an NPC.



Welcome to the Astrub's stagecoach service. Only those that pay a public transport subscription can use this service.

Ask how to become a subscriber.

I'm afraid that's not possible at the moment. The administration department is on strike. They want higher salaries, more days off, a larger workforce, more benefits and fewer working hours. Of course, members who are already subscribed or who have special privileges like Kerub Crepin can use the Stagecoaches to their hearts' content.

Ask if he happens to know where Kerub Crepin lives.

His house is to the south of the statue of Brutas in the city centre. You can't miss it!

[3,-17] pointed out on map.

After completing Shushu Shack

Welcome to the Astrub's stagecoach service. Only those that pay a public transport subscription can use this service.

Choose a destination.

By Fallanster's order and after a number of accidents resulting in death, dismembering or vampirisation of several users, we can no longer take passengers wherever whenever. The destinations available depend on your achievements in battle.
Which coach would you like to take?

Cania Bay
Heroes' Cemetery
Fungus Domain


Features in

