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Quest Summary
Starting Talk to Krikor Sair at [-25,-36]
Level required 50
Other prerequisites Seasonal Event: Piwates on the Hunt
Recommended level 50-200
Total rewards No direct reward except the opportunity to receive one of the pirate Legendary Treasure Hunt Chests (depending on the character's level), each with a chance of dropping various Ceremonial items
Items required
(not provided by quest)
Sequel None
Repeatable Yes, once daily.

Pirate Treasure Hunt is a repeatable quest.


Talk to Krikor Sair at [-25,-36] in Cania Fields (inside Treasure Chest).


I used to be a pirate, and it got me ten years in prison when I got caught. While I was locked up, I figured something out: piracy is illegal, but you don't need to worry about the courts if you go after stolen goods and keep them for yourself.

Keep listening.

That's how I came to work for Amakna as a corsair. I made a killing. Now, I'm too old to go chasing pirates; all I want is to retire in peace. If you're interested, I have a whole pile of maps to pirate treasure.

Ask what the catch is.

Sure, I could follow the clues myself or hire someone to do it for me... But you see, I've amassed enough wealth that I'll never want for anything. So, if you want a turn at treasure hunting, I'd be glad to give you my maps.

Accept the offer.
Decline the offer.
You will receive one of the following Maps depending on your character's level:

Step 1: Pirate Treasure Hunt[]

You must use a pirate's treasure map to find the pirate's treasure.
  • Find and open the pirate chest
  • Click on the Drafting Table, select the corresponding Legendary Treasure Hunt depending on the Map you have received earlier (for example "Mary Reankle's Treasure") and click Begin.
  • The dialog box will show how much XP you will earn based on a single chest fight. If the hunt starts in Bonta or Brakmar you will receive double XP, but only one chest.
  • You will start a Legendary Treasure Hunt and lose the corresponding Map you have received earlier. If you fail the hunt or die during the fight then the corresponding Map will return to your inventory and you will have to return to the Treasure Chest to start the hunt again.
  • Complete the Legendary Treasure Hunt and kill the Treasure. It's level will depend on the Legendary Treasure Hunt's Map level.
  • You will receive 1 of the following chests depending on the type of the finished Legendary Treasure Hunt:
  • You must open the chest to finish the quest.
Note: while the Map received from this quest is linked to the character, the Chest received from this quest's Legendary Treasure Hunt is linked to the account and only for 62 days which means it can be given to another character on the same account or be traded after the chest gets unlinked. This quest can be finished without doing the quest's Legendary Treasure Hunt by simply opening any chest related to this quest (even if the chest belongs to a different level category) which can be received from another character. In this case the Map received earlier will simply disappear.

If the character has accidentally destroyed the Map received earlier or has completed the Legendary Treasure Hunt and received the Chest but decided to give the chest away instead of opening it, the character can talk to Krikor Sair again to receive another Map and redo the entire process.

