Dofus Wiki
Quest Summary
Starting Talk to Lanseuft of Troille at [-5,13]
Other prerequisites Divine Protection
Recommended level 40
Max XP 145,296  at Level 200
Total rewards 2,856 Kamas, 5 Director Grunob's Manual
Items required
(not provided by quest)
1 Bwork Archer Scalp, 1 Ebonite, 1 Broken Chains
Sequel The Sorceress from the Swamps

See Dark Vlad and Die... or Not is a quest.


Lanseuft is guarding the entrance of the Evil Forest. If we are crazy enough to want to enter, he will help us by creating a pendulum that partly protects us from the evil forest's curse.


Talk to Lanseuft of Troille at [-5,13] in Enchanted Edge.

Dofus 3 - Bug: If the Quest "Pendulum Swinger's Guide" is active, u need to finish it first, otherwise a bug will block any progress.


Behind these trees is a worrying maze of plants, and I'm its guardian. Many an adventurer has entered this labyrinth, but few have come back out. The Evil Forest is home to horrible creatures, and haunted by the unfortunate souls who lost their lives in it. It's best to have some battle experience before setting foot in it...

Ask to enter the forest.

Are you sure? Your mind will be your worst enemy. You'll think you're following a well-marked path but you'll just be going around in circles. You'll lose your way first and then your mind as your try to get out.

Insist on entering.

Very well, you seem intent on dying, but that's your choice. Since my warnings are going unheeded, I'll help you. When I promised to guard this place, my smith's hammer was enchanted. With it I can make pendulums that reduce the effects of the forest's curse. By using one of these pendulums, your sense of direction should prevent you from losing your way.

Ask for a pendulum.

I don't have what I need with me and I can't leave the entrance unguarded. If you want me to make you one, you'll need to try and bring me a broken chain, some ebonite and a Bwork scalp.

Go and get what he needs.

Step 1: Dark Vlad[]

  • Get Lanseuft to give you the right to enter the Evil Forest
You need to complete Pendulum Swinger's Guide in order to enter the Evil Forest. You will need 1 Bwork Archer Scalp, 1 Ebonite and 1 Broken Chains.
  • Find the map: Dark Vlad's Clearing
You can now enter the forest by going south from the map where the quest started. You can simply walk to [-5,17] by going south 3 maps. Click on the stairs to go to Dark Vlad's Clearing.

HA HA! Meeting me is a one-way trip to the Kingdom of Shadows... I'm going to burn your body, and then I'll roast your soul!

Don't let yourself be intimidated and question him to find out which Dofus he took.

*nearly dies laughing* You're mad... I like madness! As a reward, you may die in combat rather than being grilled like a sausage. I've still got a few former servants who haven't left the forest... *orders the forest monsters to rip you limb from limb*

Defend yourself valiantly
  • Face the evil monsters
You will enter a solo fight against a Level 40 Evil Oni, Level 40 Evil Pumpkwin (monster) and level 40 Evil Neye.
They all have 400 HP, for lower levels, try to stay away from them so that they can't hit you. They shouldn't give you too much trouble then.
  • Talk to Dark Vlad again

HA HA! Meeting me is a one-way trip to the Kingdom of Shadows... I'm going to burn your body, and then I'll roast your soul!

Wipe your weapon on the dry moss and order him to tell you which Dofus he has in his possession.

You are stronger than I thought... You'd make an excellent recruit in my Chafer army!
*uses his curse to summon waves of decrepit skeletons*

Try to survive.
Hide behind a tree stump to gain a little time.
Either dialogue option will require you to face the chafers.
  • Face the chafers summoned by the dark Iop
  • Try and talk with Dark Vlad one last time.

HA HA! Meeting me is a one-way trip to the Kingdom of Shadows... I'm going to burn your body, and then I'll roast your soul!

Toss a pile of bones at the Karne's feet and ask your question again.

You've managed to exhaust my patience... DIE!

Grit your teeth and stay, praying that the Twelve spare you

...Are you still here? What is this wizardry?

Say that the gods protect you and repeat the question.

...The Twelve have sent one of their lackeys... I'd almost be honoured, if it had any importance in my eyes.I am the master of Razeriane's Dofus. Know that no one shall ever take it from me! Now leave, before I decide to bury you alive just for the fun of it.

Find out more about Razeriane.

I told you to scarper... If you insist, I'll send you back where you came from.

It is advised that you pick the first option, as you will be teleported out of the Evil Forest to [-2,14]. If you pick the second option you will need to walk back out yourself.

Step 2: Finish the Quest[]

Story: After surviving our meeting with Dark Vlad because of the protection of the gods, we have learned that Dark Vlad is the master of Razeriane's Dofus. We want to learn more about Razeriane but Dark Vlad will not spend any more time talking to us.

  • Go back to Madrestam to talk to the wise Lenald

The dlagon eggs ale the gleatest tleasules in the Wolld of Twelve. It is oul duty to plotect them so that they ale not used fol evil pulposes.

Reveal that Dark Vlad has Razeriane's Dofus

Lazeliane's pupils once leflected the coloul emelald... The lop thelefole seems to have glasped the plimoladial egg cleated by Aelafal, the wind dlagon. I was sule it was anotler Dofus... the one I used to be the gualdian of. I still am, in a way.

Learn more.

The Lenalds wele once the plotectols of a Dofus. In theil name, I watched ovel the immaculate egg that had been entlusted to us centulies befole. But the Pandawas of Feudala coveted oul tleasure. So they conspiled with the Wabbits! And we, the Lenalds, wele chased from oul islands... In oul exile, I took oul most plecious possession with me.

Keep listening

I decided to tuck the Dofus safely away on Pandala, in what I thought would be a safe place... But I didn't lecon on Dalk Vlad and the culse. But that is about my ellol, and me quest. Let us speak of youls. Ale you sule you ale the one who will leunite the six Plimoldial Dofus?

Say that you have no doubts about your destiny.
Go to [10,-5] and talk to Ronald the Wise Lenald. You will lose the Blessing of the Twelve.

Story: Ronald tell us that the Lenalds used to be guardians of a Dofus but got chased from their islands. Ronald decided to tuck the Dofus away safely on Pandala but he didn't count on Dark Vlad and the curse. This, however, is his quest. Our quest will be to reunite the 6 Primordial Dofus! Ronald will help us on our way for this long journey ahead of us.


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