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This page is missing dialogue at one point or another:

Other than that, the page should be totally complete, but at some point we need to add the dialogue. If you know any of it, chip in, every bit helps.

Quest Summary
Starting Talk to Amayiro at [-32,-57]
Level required 190
Other prerequisites Enigma (Bonta Quest #96)
Recommended level 197
Max XP 5,930,703  at Level 200
Total rewards Alignment level 97
Items required
(not provided by quest)
Sequel Hidden Behind Walls (Bonta Quest #98)

Spine-Chilling is a quest.


Talk to Amayiro


We don't know Erzal's current location. Our spies have tracked him to Frigost Island, but given your level of experience and the danger presented by the archbishop, I'd prefer it if you took over.

Step 1: Spine-Chilling[]

You must follow Erzal's trail on Frigost Island.

  • Question the Guardian of the Day Without End
Talk to Ess Jeesy
  • Look for signs that Erzal was in the Bleak Legion Bastion
  • Defeat 1x Missiz Freezz on the Missiz Freezz's Frostforge - Missiz Freezz's Room map in a single fight


  • Alignment Level 97
  • Level Based XP

Related Achievements[]
