Staruman is a monster.
- Barba Trick - Deals neutral damage, and increases the base damage of Barba Trick by 10 for the remainder of the fight. Can be stacked infinitely, has medium range.
- Super Science - Self-buff. On the turn after Super Science has been cast, the Staruman gains 2 mp, 300% power, and is put in the unlockable state for 1 turn.
- Tiny Big Bang - Deals water damage and steals up to 3 mp from the target. Has medium range.
Name | Base Drop Rate | Conditions |
Staruman Eyebrow | 10% | None |
Kamatrix | 3% | None |
Bag of Cherries | 1~1.4% | None |
Tasty Meat | 10% | Hunter (Lv. 200) |
Enutough Blood Sample | 20% | Quest |
Orichor | 3% | Oldrush completed |
Staruman is a pun on Saruman from The Lord of the Rings; Staruman's mustache has the form of a star.