Dofus Wiki

I understand that it's low ap cost, but it seems unfair that a cra can use a spell that does same aoe, more damage and at greater range -- TWICE a turn while pandas can use this spell only once. In my personal experience (85 levels) an int build really isn't viable unless you're solely pvm. --Zlze 23:27, 19 August 2006 (UTC)

One of the reasons are that this is lvl 70 spell, explosive arrow lvl 90

you can solo troolls with this spell, so it might be more useful than you think.

Also, when it's only 2 ap cost you can use it with many hybrid builds, most likely chance/int

is it really only 4 range spell? ive seen many pandas cast it on a much wider range

can someone show how big the area for the damage is? -dagger--

Less damage on border of Area?[]

I did experiments in the dojo. It seems like there is a penality for targets not in the center (like Feca's Burning Glyph or Cra's Burning Arrow).

Yes it's the same for all AoE spells, 110% damage in the centre, then -10% each outer ring. Galrauch (talk) 16:29, 3 June 2009 (UTC)