Dofus Wiki

This may be a n00b question, but does the kind of bone matter? Are rarer bones better, or can I feed it Wabbit teeth and get the same effects? Lepanto

Is there any confirmation on feeding them chafer skulls, and gaining more than +1 life?

I just fed my brand new Ghast three chafer skulls, and it has only +1 life, so I'm thinking that its a rumour. Myllie
Well, I've just been feeding my Ghast gob horns and it already has +5 life.
I've been feeding my Ghast Evil Tofu Tooth, Chafer Bones, Wabbit Teeth, and Chafer Skulls, and they all work the same. Each gives +1 life every 3 feedings. TaviRider 16:08 June 2006 (UTC)

Food is food. Pets gain stats every third feeding (assuming you've been feeding them in the proper time frame) regardless of what it is. Further, only the item given on the third feeding determines what stat they gain (irrelevant for this pet).

I noticed the ghast will not eat tofu beaks.

Market Price[]

i got a question how much is a ghost when it has 100hp

This wiki doesn't list the market prices for items, because that information gets out of date much too quickly. I suggest looking for prices in the various merchants you'll find, or looking for prices listed at some of the External links such as Impsvillage. --TaviRider 17:30, 15 August 2006 (UTC)

Also, there's a difference between servers. Asking for the price of something is as reliable as asking if it will rain on this day in a year.

Max +life[]

I've been told that the max +ilfe for these critters is 150. -FuuSoYa

Yep. -Kadaris