Quest Summary | ||||||||||||||||
Taurs and Detours is a quest.
- Talk to Meriana at [-6,-3] in the Nauseating Swamps after finishing The Book of Taurs.
Dialog |
When you've taken care of the Minotoror, point the bone at the stone throne that's at the heart of the maze, and say the following spell: "Show yourself, soul-less one!" The truth spell will then reveal to you that which remains hidden... if everything goes to plan, you will be shown the way to get the Crimson Dofus.
Step 1: Taurs and Detours[]
- Armed with magical power, you're ready to go head to head with the master of the Minotoror's Labyrinth. Assuming you can get there without getting lost.
- Find the map: Stairs toward the Minotoror's Labyrinth [-42,-17]
- Talk to Lorkos [-42,-17]
Dialog |
Hello! You want to investigate this labyrinth to see what treasures it holds, am I right? I know what creatures hide inside it, as I'm one of the best archaeologists on this vast island. Some say that's because I'm the only archaeologist on this vast island, but that's not entirely true! The others were so bad, they got lost in the labyrinth. Hahaha. Well, what do you want to know?
Ho ho, is that all? You're ambitious! Why start small when you can set off in search of the greatest treasure of all? Well, we're certainly going to see what you're made of! And to show you how much I admire your courage, I'm going to give you some advice: take a trip to the Sanctuary of a Hundred Detours before you get lost in the maze. There is someone there who would just love to meet you, I'm sure.
To get to the Sanctuary, use the big head on the stone blocks near the entrance of the maze.
- Note: in his final line of dialog, 'head' is a mistranslation of 'potion'.
- Find the map: Sanctuary of a Hundred Detours [-42,-17] (Labyrinth of the Minotoror)
- Talk to Lorkos to enter the dungeon. In the Entrance room, click on the potion at the top right of the map, on the stone blocks.
- You are teleported to the Sanctuary of a Hundred Detours, a secret map inside the Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon.
- Talk to Apisaph [-42,-17] (Labyrinth of the Minotoror)
Dialog |
The Sanctuary of a Hundred Detours is a place of peace and tranquillity. Here, adventurers who are exploring the maze are safe.
I am Apisaph, the Sanctuary's owner. I hate to see all these heroes suffering, so I'm trying to bring them some comfort. I know that many of them are here by choice, but that doesn't mean they don't need help.
Many others have tried before you, but who knows, maybe you'll be the one to succeed? Take this potion I've distilled. It will allow you to come back here from anywhere in the World of Twelve. If you need any more doses of this magical elixir, some alchemists will be able to make it... if they know the recipe, of course.
I make it from a number of ingredients. Scaratos Shell, Quetsnakiatl Feather, Minoskito, Manderisha and Khamelerost Skins... As you can see, there's a bit of everything in it.
- From this point onwards, you can use Apisaph's Potion to teleport directly to the Sanctuary of a Hundred Detours.
- Go back and see Lorkos at the entrance to the labyrinth [-41,-17] (Labyrinth of the Minotoror)
- Note: You must speak to Lorkos on the Entrance map before defeating the Minotoror, or the quest will not update (the map with the Phoenix). Speaking to him outside the dungeon or inside the maze will not update it.
- Find the map: Minotoror's Room [-39,-11] (Labyrinth of the Minotoror)
- Go through the maze of the Inner Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon and confront the Minotoror.
- Defeat 1 Minotoror in a single fight [-39,-11] (Labyrinth of the Minotoror)
- Cast the truth spell on the throne in the Minotoror's antechamber [-39,-11] (Labyrinth of the Minotoror)
- After defeating the Minotoror, click on the horned throne in the Antechamber room (make sure not to leave by talking to Lorkos yet).
- Minotot (NPC) will appear on the same map.
- Talk to Minotot [-39,-11] (Labyrinth of the Minotoror)
Dialog |
You can see past appearances... That's rare for your kind.
It's simple: I'm the real maze master, and the guardian of the Crimson Dofus. Normally, I'm more on the sidelines in a fight, hidden behind my magic. I like watching the Minotoror crush his opponents... when he manages to get the upper hand, at least. Are you asking yourself why the fascination? Well, I don't have to tell you.
That's a good one. You might have beaten the Minotoror, but you haven't impressed me. I could turn you into a Tofu, and you'd spend the rest of your miserable days nibbling at seeds in the Ingalsses' Fields. I must admit, though, I do find you fascinating... The magic you used to unveil my presence is both powerful and ancient. How did you learn this spell?
Really? Or maybe somebody read it for you... No matter. It looks like you're more on the ball than the majority of adventurers who come to test their abilities against the dangers of the maze. I'm going to offer you a deal. Do you want Ignemikhal's egg? Bring me Totankama's Mask, and the Crimson Dofus will be yours.
- Continue talking to the Minotot (NPC) to start the next quest, Totankama's Treasure.
- From now until the end of the Crimson Dofus questline, you can talk to Lorkos otuside the dungeon and choose the Ask to be led to the Minotot. option to return to the Antechamber, allowing you to progress quests without needing to complete the maze again.
- Level-Based XP (Maximum: 3,698,784)
- 40,272 Kamas
- 5 Minotoror Hair
- 5 Scaratos Carapace