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Tears of a Goddess

Found Fragments: Part VIII

Acidrik Fenlapanse

“Give way Djaul! The month of Flovor starts right here, right now! Get out of my way and don't ever try to hinder Flovor! I really don't want to mix your blood together with the sap of my trees...” said Silvosse in a husky voice. Djaul stood up and headed South, still staggering.

Meanwhile, the Gods assembly gathered to welcome the Goddess Sacrier.

“What did she do to deserve her place!?” Rushu shouted angrily. “You know it perfectly well, Rushu. She simply has dedicated disciples who have faith in her.” God Iop answered quietly. He added:

“And their number is increasing more and more every day”.

- I demand evidence! She's not worthy! I know it!” Rushu screamed, pointing at the Goddess who remained impassive.

- No need for evidence” god Iop replied, and before he could say another word, the Goddess Sacrier took the Divine Clock in her hands. She was holding it as if it were an oracle. Each second passing by was whispering the life of the world... She and the other gods heard the suffering and the terror of the inhabitants of Amakna. They were a prey to the most terrible fears, and within the chorus of moaning raising up, the gods could sense something soft and serious, something close to appeasement. Full of sympathy, a tear rolled down the goddess's cheek which fell onto the Divine Clock, got into the mechanism and slid over the time frog who croaked in surprise... The Clock, suddenly alive, had one single convulsion: space and time, past and present seemed to crumple...

At this moment, Xelor predicted that Bonta and Brakmar, rival cities, would be destroyed during the cities war and that thanks to the goddess tear, they would be reborn from the chaos in which History would have put them. This time, Xelor could not change this chronological anomaly: it was a second chance given to the two cities.

At first taken aback, Rushu was now wearing a satisfied grin, then strode out of the assembly. The World of Ten became the World of Eleven.
