Dofus Wiki
Quest Summary
Starting Talk to Meriana at [-6,-3]
Level required 90
Other prerequisites The Sorceress from the Swamps
Recommended level 110
Max XP 2,968,218  at Level 200
Total rewards 34,272 Kamas, 3 Dark Tissue
Items required
(not provided by quest)
Sequel Taurs and Detours
Leads to Dofus Crimson Dofus quest 1 of 8
Crimson Dofus

The Book of Taurs is a quest.


Talk about the Crimson Dofus.

It is one of the six primordial Dofus. From what we know, the fire dragon egg is supposed to be guarded by the Minotoror, a Taur War Chief trapped inside an ancient maze. Do you want to become the new Dofus Guardian? You're going to have to find your way through the maze and defeat the Minotoror.

Say that you're ready to confront the terrible creature.

Brute force won't be enough to get what you're looking for. A long time ago, a powerful Taur sorcerer wrote a spellbook. He transcribed many spells onto the pages of the book. One of the magical formulas allows you to reveal that which is hidden... This is something you'll need to know if you want to succeed in your quest.

Ask where to find the spell book.

I've never been able to get hold of the The Book of Taurs, but I do know there are several copies of it. Visit the big libraries in the World of Twelve to see if they can point you in the right direction. With a bit of luck, you'll manage to find out who currently has a copy of the book.

Leave to interrogate the librarians.

Step 1: The Book of Taurs[]

You're off on your quest for the Crimson Dofus. Before you charge in to the Minotoror's Lair, Meriana would like you to find an old book of magic. According to the magician, one of the recipes written in it might be useful for you.
The first 5 steps can be done in any order.

Inside the Brakmar Library, upstairs.

Shush! Didn't anyone ever teach you to be quiet in a library?! Just because we're in Brakmar doesn't mean you can behave like a yowling lout. And you lot, what a racket. You'd be better off running from inn to inn if you can't keep your mouths shut.

Get information about the Book of Taurs.

The Book of Taurs? Hmm. One moment while I check my records... I'm sorry, that book is unavailable. It's been borrowed by an anonymous reader. I can add you to the waiting list, if you like. What's your name again? #1, is that it? When the book has been returned, we'll let you know. It might take a while, though... a very long while.

Ask if he knows where to find a copy of the Book of Taurs.

No, not at all. Now, if you'll excuse me... I have a lot of work to do. *nervously unrolls scrolls*

Inside the Bonta Library.

I must ask you to speak softly, please. Silence is of the utmost importance in a library.

Get information about the Book of Taurs.

We don't have this codex in our aisles. This is an occult book that has not been approved by the Bonta council.

Ask if he knows where to find a copy of the Book of Taurs.

I have no idea, and I don't care either. I don't want to sacrifice my soul or live in darkness by practising cursed rituals. You should set your sights on less sulphurous books. I've just received some new copies of Wally Elconom's travel guide, if you'd like that instead.

Inside the Pandala Library.

Hello, you culture vulture! So you've come to get an education? Well, it's about time. But, as we say, it's never too late to start... If you need a book, just ask me.

Get information about the Book of Taurs.

It's a spellbook, isn't it? Unfortunately, it is not part of the library's collection.

Ask if he knows where to find a copy of this book.

I tried to get a copy for our "magic and sorcery" section, but my search was fruitless. Rare books are hard to track down, you know. If I were you, I'd try a second hand book shop.

Inside the Sufokia Library.

I am a doctor of literature, a mathemagician, a librarian and the official archivist of Sufokia. I've also developed various theories on the Krosmoz and Xelor's Clock, but never have time to put them into practice.

Get information about the Book of Taurs.

If I'm not mistaken, it's a collection of spells, written by a Taur magician... At least, that's what I've read in other books, since I've never set eyes on the one you're talking about.

Ask if he knows where to find a copy of this book.

Unfortunately, I'm afraid not. It's funny, you're the second person to ask me about this... A few days ago, a hooded individual asked me the same thing. He seemed to be in a hurry, we didn't have much time to chat. I can't tell you anymore than that.

Inside the Amakna Library.

Shush! Quiet! You're in a library here. If you need a book, ask me. But no talking! Sssshhh, I said no talking. Go and sit down but don't make a sound.
I don't want to hear another peep out of you.
Not even a whisper.




What do you want?

Get information about the Book of Taurs.

Do you like ancient magic? This old spellbook is supposed to have been written by a Taur, right? Who knew Taurs could read and write?

Ask if he knows where to find a copy of this book.

I'd like to be able to help you, but our last copy disappeared a few years ago. You should head over to Astrub. Several authors have set up shop there, along with a very reputable printer. What's more, parchment trade is flourishing.


  • Find a book-seller in Astrub
Inside the Astrub Library at [7,-19], up two flights of stairs.

There are more treasures in this room than in a monarch's tomb... but it helps if you're not allergic to dust so you can enjoy looking at them without sneezing.

Say that you're looking for a copy of The Book of Taurs.

I see you're a rare book enthusiast. Unfortunately, I don't have that book in my crates. It's such a shame; I would have been more than happy to sell you a copy.

Look frustrated.

A dissatisfied customer is a lost customer... If you're really serious, I think I know where you could find The Book of Taurs... but it might cost you more than you're willing to pay... In fact, it might even cost you your life.

Keep listening.

There is a very special library that is not open to the public. Unfortunately, it tends to attract some rough characters, and belongs to a somewhat-sinister guy. I'm talking about Lord Crow's Library. The lord collects old scrolls... He's bound to have a copy of The Book of Taurs. However, I doubt he'll let you read it for free.

Say thank you for this information.

What is that noise? Did you hear that?
Look out behind you!

Turn around. (starts a fight)

A fight starts against Lvl. 100 Rogue Shambo and Lvl. 100 Rogue Ling. They have 2100 HP each and standard Rogue spells.
Other characters can join the fight, but will not update their quests. The fight does not need to be won to progress.
Mention Lord Crow.

Does this decrepit skeleton have a copy of The Book of Taurs? Hmpf, obviously, I should have thought of that. There was a time when I got along well with the Master... but Tread couldn't stand it when his little birds told him bad news. Well, now you know what you have to do: go and pay a little visit to the old reaper, and really ruffle his feathers so he'll give you the Book.

Respond that it's as good as done.

While you're there, once you've shown the Master who's boss, borrow one of his bones from him. Something tells me I'm going to be needing it.

Head off to Cania.
  • Steal the Book of Taurs from Lord Crow and give it to Meriana  [-6,-3]
Complete the Lord Crow's Library dungeon.
You will drop 1 The Book of Taurs (item) and 1 Lord Crow's Bone (100% quest drops; souls do not work).
Return to Meriana.
Hand over the Book of Taurs.

Show me that... Yes, no doubt about it, looking at the magic spilling out of the pages, it's definitely an authentic copy of the original manuscript. Well, let's not waste any time! *flicks quickly through the book* Ah, here's the spell! Let's see... ha ha, I thought so! Did you manage to get the bone I asked for?

Hand over Lord Crow's bone.

Perfect! *reads the incantations and waves the bone around like a magic wand* Give me a few seconds... *dips the bone in the cauldron* Ouch, that's hot! Abracadavra... and voilà! *hands you the translucent bone*

Take Lord Crow's enchanted bone.
You lose 1 The Book of Taurs (item) and 1 Lord Crow's Bone, and receive 1 Lord Crow's Enchanted Bone.
Continue talking to Meriana to begin the next quest, Taurs and Detours.


Related Achievements[]
