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Quest Summary
Starting Talk to Gladis at [-22,-24]
Other prerequisites Enjoy Your Trip
Recommended level 100-200
Max XP 2,500,000  at Level 200
Total rewards Level-based Kamas (Maximum: 43,980)
Items required
(not provided by quest)
Sequel Orichomania, School of Hard Knocks
Leads to Dofus Watchers Dofus quest 2 of 15
Watchers Dofus

The Entrance to Enurado is a quest.


Talk to Gladis at [-22,-24] in the Dimensional Voyagers' Tower.

I can't take much time out to chat with with, adventurer - there are way too many new agents to train up! What is it?

Say that you're waiting to recieve your first mission to go and discover Enurado.

Oh, did the colonel send you? Okay, I'll keep this simple. You're going to locate a portal that leads to Enurado, and use it to reach the Voyagers' outpost within the Divine Dimension. Once you get there, contact Sergeant Frinklan. Good luck!

Ask how to launch a search for a dimensional portal.

The search consoles are right under your nose. Choose the one that matches the dimension you need and activate the search system. Follow its indications carefully, try not to make too many errors, and be ready for anything: when a pathway to another plane of existence opens up in the vicinity, the disturbance gives some of the World of Twelve's creatures the willies. For that reason, it's common for Voyagers to be attacked just before the portal appears.

Keep listening.

One last thing. These dimensional portals don't stay open indefinitely. They fade away in time, and the number of explorers who can use them is limited. All the more reason to hurry...

Step toward the Enurado console.

Step 1: The Entrance To Enurado[]

You've agreed to help the Voyagers explore the Divine Dimensions. Your first mission, should you choose to accept: discover a portal leading to Enurado, the underground world of the god Enutrof.
  • Start the hunt for a portal to the Enurado dimension  [-22,-24]
Click the Enurado search console shown in the image below to start the portal hunt.
Enurado Console
Tip 1: You don't need to finish the Portal Hunt if you already know where the portal is, but you do need to start it. This means that after clicking on the console, you can go to the position of the portal right away without completing the steps.
Tip 2: There is a discord server for Portal Dimensions locations. It is worth messaging someone on TalKasha for an invite, as the portal locations are actively updated on there!
  • Find the map: Voyagers' Outpost  [-1,-1] (Enurado)

Welcome to the Voyagers' outpost! We accept all sorts here, including young, poor, and smooth-chinned adventurers. Before we arrived, the beardless were a rare sight in this area... Watch out, Enurado! The people of the World of Twelve are here!

Ask what kind of dangers await you in this dimension.

The creatures of Enurado usually leave us in peace, but sometimes there's friction between us and the Enutoughs, the Miser's eternal servants. If you like fighting, I must warn you that the forfeit for losing a fight is a substantial loss of spiritual energy. Make sure you only start fights you have a good chance of winning!

Say that Captain Gladis sent you.

Ah, I didn't realise I was speaking to a future agent! You'll have plenty to do up here, especially if you don't mind a challenge! Start by going to see our Collector. She'll tell you more about your mission in Enurado.

Say thank you and leave.

I'm in charge of gathering our stocks of Orichor and sending them to the Voyagers' Tower. Any adventurers that help us collect this vital resource will be rewarded.

Say that Sergeant Frinklan sent you.
Talking to Megistus the Collector starts the next quest, Orichomania (choose the Say that Sergeant Frinklan sent you dialog option).


  • Level-Based XP (Maximum: 2,500,000)
  • Level-Based Kamas (Maximum: 43,980)

Related Achievements[]
