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This page is missing dialogue at one point or another:

Other than that, the page should be totally complete, but at some point we need to add the dialogue. If you know any of it, chip in, every bit helps.

Quest Summary
Starting Talk to Jalcas at [8,-67]
Other prerequisites Day of the Assassins, Anger of the Gods
Recommended level 50-200
Max XP 2,500,000  at Level 200
Total rewards Level-based Kamas: 43,980 at level 200
Items required
(not provided by quest)
Sequel None

The Trap Closes is a quest.


Talk to Jalcas at [8,-67] in Ouginak Temple.


NPCs text.

Dialogue option.

NPCs response to selected option.

Step 1: The Trap Closes[]

Jalcas wants Toxine to be stopped for what she had done... but how can you make Sram's daughter show herself?
  • Talk to Incognita
Found outside the Ouginak Temple
  • Question Imaguni
Found in the jail in the Temple
Enter the mine at [-23,21] and follow the left path and keep going downwards
Then, click on the Anvil to teleport to Volkaragnar
  • Find Ashante or one of her accomplices
Go to Amakna Inn at [2,-1], then go to the left room upstairs to meet Ush
  • Talk to Incognita again
In the canopy level at [-55,15]
To get the 3 Toxic Bark, you will need to fight 1 Toxic Barkritter, 1 Toxic Floramor and 1 Toxic Warguerite (Ground Level)
  • Go to [-52,11], and enter a fight against 1 Level 40-200 Toxic Floramor
  • Go to [-54,9], and enter a fight against 1 Level 40-200 Toxic Warguerite
  • Go to [-54,12], and enter a fight against 1 Level 40-200 Toxic Barkritter
You will recieve 1 Toximmunity Potion once you speak to Otomai
  • Enter Kory's cave
  • Pretend to meditate near the extinguished fire for a short moment
Click on camp fire.
  • Talk to Toxine (NPC)
You will be attacked by a level 40-200 Toxine, but will be accompanied by a level 40-200 Queen of Thieves
  • Defeat Toxine (Monster)

Tip: To make Toxine focus on the Queen of Thieves, ensure your Neutral % resistance is higher than the Queen's.

  • Let Queen of Thieves tank hits
  • Try to stay away after hitting Toxine.
  • Talk to Echo (NPC)
  • Talk to Oropo


  • Level-Based XP (Max: 2,625,000)
  • Level-Based Kamas (Max: 43,980)

Related Achievements[]
