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Tomb Wraither

Tomb Wraither is a monster.



Level Stats Resistance (%) Resistance (Linear) Resistance (Other)
HP AP MP Lock Neutral Resistance Earth Resistance Fire Resistance Water Resistance Air Resistance Neutral Resistance Earth Resistance Fire Resistance Water Resistance Air Resistance AP Parry MP Parry Critical Resistance Pushback Resistance
200 30,000 12 6 15 35 10 35 15


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No idea on the mechanics but I did it and wanted to share some notes - she spawns 3 mirrors that deal insane damage after a certain HP%, she also pushes back and removes MP as long range attacks do nothing to her. The goal is to surround her with 4 chars and deal a lot of DPS Close combat, when the mirrors spawn, ignore them and finish her off and you win the fight.

Few pointers: High dps weapon

Use spells that keep you rooted/unmovable so she can't send you flying about.

Have 6-8 characters.


Tomb Wraither is likely a reference to Tomb Raider.
