Dofus Wiki
NPC Details
Area Sufokia Bay
Torpydo Pull
Location Sufokia
Coords [26,22]
Details Inside Foggernaut Temple
Options Talk

Torpydo Pull is an NPC.



I've trained the Dopples up in Foggernaut battle strategies. That makes them excellent sparring partners if you want to test your skills, no matter what level you are.
Perhaps one day we'll have robots intelligent enough to replace the Dopples. Until that day, though, these creatures will have to do.

Take on each Dopple.
Train with a Dopple.

Fighting Dopples is no laughing matter, you know. Are you ready?

Start training.
Find out more about Dopples.

Dopples are being which imitate others to survive. We don't know too much about where they come from; one day they just appeared en masse and tried to invade our land. We defeated them, of course, and since then we don't tend to see too many around.

Exchange Doploons.

Sure thing! If you have enough Doploons, I'm sure I'll have something to tickle your fancy.

Reset characteristics to zero.
Nothing right now.


Dopple Trainer for