Dofus Wiki
Unspeakable Set

Unspeakable Set is a Set.

Unspeakable Set Pieces[]

This list is automatically generated from existing pages, all edits should be done on the corresponding page.

Name Level Effects Conditions Recipe
Amulet of the Unspeakable

Amulet of the Unspeakable


  • None
Belt of the Unspeakable

Belt of the Unspeakable


  • None
Boots of the Unspeakable

Boots of the Unspeakable


  • None

Unspeakable Set Bonus[]

Unspeakable Set Total Effects[]

Characteristics Offense Defense Miscellaneous


To craft all pieces of this set you will need:

Amount Item
156 Diepwon Tentacle
93 Flauticultist's Flute
87 Skt-Zo Leg
86 N'yalgy Tentacle
82 Spookkoth's Eye
50 Quisnoa
50 Salikronia
50 Sepiolite
24 Angular Stone
14 Koutoulou Larva Wing
9 Ambergris
8 Meno's Hair
5 The Queen of Thieves' Embroidery
4 Catseye's Die
4 Dantinea's Dentures
2 Jewel from King Nidas's Crown