Dofus Wiki

Voldelor is a monster.



Level Stats Resistance (%) Resistance (Linear) Resistance (Other)
HP AP MP Lock Neutral Resistance Earth Resistance Fire Resistance Water Resistance Air Resistance Neutral Resistance Earth Resistance Fire Resistance Water Resistance Air Resistance AP Parry MP Parry Critical Resistance Pushback Resistance
200 29,000 20 5 145 20 10 35 -5 15 0 0 0 0 0 80 80 0 0


  • Sealed Fate: Water damage depending on how low Voldelor’s health is and adds 20% erosion. Additionally, it adds a strong water damage poison. (4 turns)
  • Magitation: Moderate earth damage. (Steal)
  • Armada Cadavra: Does high fire damage in an AoE (steal). Instantly kills anyone near him who he casts the spell on.
  • Back to Life: Revives one ally with full health.


Name Base Drop Rate Conditions
Voldelor 100% Wanted: Voldelor in progress
Princely Recruit's Sheet 100% Welcome to (number) Grade in progress
Filled-in Training Sheet 100% Welcome to (number) Grade in progress
Parched Recruit's Sheet 100% Welcome to (number) Grade in progress
Lugubrious Recruit's Sheet 100% Welcome to (number) Grade in progress
Reprobate Recruit's Sheet 100% Welcome to (number) Grade in progress
Wrapped Up Recruit's Sheet 100% Welcome to (number) Grade in progress
Explosive Recruit's Sheet 100% Welcome to (number) Grade in progress


  • This fight is best done at range if your team can't kill Voldelor in a single turn.