Dofus Wiki
Quest Summary
Starting Talk to Lily at [24,-2]
Other prerequisites None
Recommended level 50
Total rewards Level-Based XP, 3,480 Kamas, 1 Cawwot
Items required
(not provided by quest)
Sequel None
Repeatable Yes, once a day

Wild Wild Wabbit Chase is a repeatable quest.


Talk to Lily at [24,-2] in Cawwot Island.


Howdy sailor! Have you finished what you were supposed to do? If you have, let's get outta here!

Ask if the boat is going to hold up.

Oh, for sure. A few holes in the stern won't stop her from sailing. I caught a few of the little beasts with teeth as long as their ears nibbling away at the ship's wood, though. We had Wabbit burgers that afternoon, and made quite a song and dance about it, but I still think the others are too stupid to take the hint. So how about a little hunting before you set sail?

Find out more.

If you can get rid of 1 5 Wabbits and Tiwabbits, I'll give you one of the Cawwots wove seized.


Step 1: Wild Wild Wabbit Chase[]

Lily has asked you to hunt down some Wabbits to deter them from attacking her ship.


Related Achievements[]
