Wunkie is a monster.
- Goglutton: Teleports to a cell adjacent to the enemy target (with a clockwise priority starting from top-right cell) with unlimited range without LoS. Cast once per turn. Only cast on an enemy target in the 'Chocomatose' state from Mawabouwaino's Wild Fondue spell.
- Gwokwik: Deals Earth damage at 1-3 range without LoS. Cast once per target.
- Skwat: Deals Air damage to all enemies in a 2-cell cross AoE around itself. Cast once per turn.
- Stewoids: Deals melee Earth damage and steals the target's Power by 100% (or by 150% with CH) for 2 turns. Cast every 2 turns.
Name | Base Drop Rate | Conditions |
Proof of Reliability | 100% | Playing Chocolate Maker in progress |
Maggoty Meat | 38% | Hunter (Lv. 60) |
Wunkie Tendon | 38% | None |
Suwpwise Egg | 20% | Chocomagic vs Chocomancy in progress |
Collectible Picture | 7% | A Picture Collector's Problems in progress |
Brownish Pompom | 3.8% | None |
- Warning: This monster is only available while Fleaster Island is open, unless it is captured with a soul stone. Keep this in mind if you want any of the drops or achievements related to it.