Dofus Wiki

YeCh'Ti is a monster.



Level Stats Resistance (%) Resistance (Linear) Resistance (Other)
HP AP MP Lock Neutral Resistance Earth Resistance Fire Resistance Water Resistance Air Resistance Neutral Resistance Earth Resistance Fire Resistance Water Resistance Air Resistance AP Parry MP Parry Critical Resistance Pushback Resistance
170 22,000 17 6 90 0 0 0 0 0 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 0 0


Basically because I'm too lazy guy to do it, here things I learned. To remove invulnerability, just put something like summon next to it. He will eat the target and become vulnerable for one turn. Don't end turn next to him as well. Then just damage him to death. I think that's it. Someone smarter please fill it up. ~ Nevalon


  • Cheeky rascal: Summons a Cromignon.
  • Gourmand: Target is killed, deactivates the Invulnerable state for one turn, while placing the YeCh'Ti in Rooted state, heals the YeCh'Ti for 700 HP. Shields do not count, it is a OHKO.
  • I know a song that'll get on your nerves: Deals 250+ damage, -1 MP, AoE.
  • It was just a toothache after all: Deals 350+ air close combat damage.
  • It's all wet: Damages 500+ long linear (infinite?) AoE like Burning Arrow and puts target into Gravity state.
  • It's cold and wet: Deals 1500+ damage, -3 Range, -25 MP loss resistance, -25 AP loss resistance (2 turns) large AoE (every ally). Has a 4 turn cooldown.
  • It's lip smacking good!: Decreases target's damage by 10%, increases YeCh'Ti's damage by 10%.
  • Serves you right: YeCh'Ti gains +50 damage, target takes damage, loses 2 AP and 1MP.
  • That's truly abominable: Deals 300+ damage, AoE.
  • Welcome to the YeCh'ticks: Puts YeCh'Ti in Invulnerable and Heavy states.


Name Base Drop Rate Conditions
YeCh'Ti (following character) 100% Bounty Quest
Princely Recruit's Sheet 100% Quest
Filled-in Training Sheet 100% Quest
Parched Recruit's Sheet 100% Quest
Lugubrious Recruit's Sheet 100% Quest
Reprobate Recruit's Sheet 100% Quest
Wrapped Up Recruit's Sheet 100% Quest
The Sarapox 100% Must be infected by The Lurgi


The name is a play on the word Yeti, an ape-like legendary creature said to inhabit the Himalayan regions.
